The Last Thing I Will Do

"I know. You're the one who helped me escape…right?" 

Shi Nian couldn't describe how she felt. All these times, Si Zhening had always been the one who turned up in her memory and the subconscious fear she felt toward him was inexplicable, leading her to believe that he was the serial killer.

However, Shi Nian knew that it was untrue especially when the memories started to come back to her.

During that period of time, Shi Nian had no awareness of time, day and place. Her days confined in that room seemed like endless agony. However, at the last moment, the door which seemed unreachable cracked open, revealing the field covered in snow and a similarly cold man who looked as if he was going to merge into the background. Shi Nian's eyes clashed with his; one was desperate while the other remained stoic.