Where Are Your Manners?

Shi Nian gawked in shock. The near-death experience still shook her down to her soul. "Mr. Jia? How…How can you be here?!"

"Me?" Jia Ming'en heaved a sigh. "Just a series of coincidences."

"Who—Who the fuck are you?!" Veins bulged out of Nan Xukun's neck and his bloodshot eyes widened furiously. He struggled and swung his legs hard, yet Jia Ming'en's vice strangle choked the breath out of his lungs. "Let me go…!"

Shi Nian's attention was quickly drawn to Jiang Jinyan who struggled to stand. Staggering toward him, she gasped and tremblingly reached out to touch his cheek. "Are you okay? Is it…Is it painful?"

…Of course, it was. Not only his cheek, but also his entire body, especially his leg. The pain was so intense that Jiang Jinyan wished he could pass out then and there. However, he still mustered a thin smile to comfort the anxious girl. "I'm fine. More importantly, how's your stomach? Does it still hurt?"