Jin x Ru — Extra 1

In front of him was a row of corpses. Some of them he didn't recognize but some were awfully familiar; Xu Binchen, Wang Chengbing, Qin Weizhe, his comrades both in SCI Squad and General Crime Division. And on top of that...he also saw Ru Meiqi's face. 

The woman's pallor was deathly blue. Blood poured out of her mouth, nose and ears. Her eyes bulged out abnormally, staring straight into Jin Renguang's eyes with fear and disbelief. As if struck by lightning, his body was unable to move, nailed in place and was helplessly forced to witness the death of those around him.

"How about it?" A voice echoed in his mind. Soft, bewitching and tempting, just like the devil. "See, we are the same kind of person."

His eyes lowered and landed onto the knife in his hand, still with blood dripping down from the tip of it.

And the same knife was stuck into Ru Meiqi's chest.