Xu x Lei — Extra 2

"Acute gastritis." 

Lei Liqiu gaped, her breath stuttered. "W—What?"

"Acute gastritis." Xu Binchen massaged his brows and sighed. "She must be pranking you. I am not dying whatsoever. I only need to be on IV drips for a few days and eat some medicine to recover fully."

As soon as Lei Liqiu saw Shi Nian's message last night, she directly asked for half a day's leave from her job and proceeded to go to the hospital as soon as the visiting hour was open. She indeed found Xu Binchen in the list of patients but instead of seeing him sick and fragile, he looked as healthy as a bull, even with the IV drips still hanging on his wrist.

"But it's acute," Her brows knitted. "Anything that's acute is bad, right?"

"It's not that bad."

"What's not that bad?" Shi Nian's voice suddenly came from the door. Lei Liqiu lifted her head to see the girl coming in while pushing a man in the wheelchair who wore the same patient gown as Xu Binchen.