Xu x Lei — Extra 5

Lei Liqiu held a cup of warm chocolate within her palms and relished on the warmth radiating from the heater near her. The sky had darkened since Xu Binchen went to deal with the aftermath and left Lei Liqiu here in his personal office. It looked tidier than she expected — she heard that he inherited it from the former Captain. It was also now that she knew Xu Binchen had been granted a promotion. 

Thinking about the previous event, Lei Liqiu felt like everything was a dream. She was ambushed by Zhu Zhenli, injured and almost died. The cutter was practically only a few inches away and could easily drill a hole through her body if not for Xu Binchen stopping it with his bare hand.

"Did you wait for long?" Xu Binchen knocked on the door, bringing her out of her daze.

Lei Liqiu's eyes automatically trailed to his palm which was bandaged casually. A faint smear of crimson blood oozed through the gauze. "You… are you okay?"