Feeling Of Being Loved

Silently, the two siblings entered the royal residence from its main entrance and walked towards the left-wing of the palace where Seren's bedchamber was located. 

No words were exchanged between them the entire way, causing the mood to be uncomfortable for Cian. Not that he could blame Seren. Unable to do more for his sister, Cian merely respected her private space and silently accompanied her the whole way to her bedchamber. 

Soon, they crossed the part of the wing where the royal knights under Sir Berolt were stationed to guard against other people from approaching. Seren didn't fail to take a proper look at them and counted how many knights were on duty. The knights paid their respects to the prince and princess as they walked past them. 

Only when they reached the door of Seren's bedchamber did Cian forced a smile on his face as he turned to his sister. "Tomorrow, I will take you to the river outside the palace."