Strange Forest

Shaking her head, Seren went to the door and pressed her ears against the wood. 'Looks like they are gone.'

She put on the lock first so no one could come inside before heading towards the window of the room. She noticed that the window faced the back garden of the inn, and since she was on the second floor, it was not that far up from the ground. With some support, she could easily climb down and run away towards the forest. She looked around the room, checking if she could get something like a rope. 

'What can I use to tie here?'

Her sight went from the floor-length long window curtains, then to the bedsheet on that large bed. After judging the length needed, she tied the curtains and the bedsheet together after pulling them away from their places. She tied one end of her makeshift rope on the curtain hook by the window and threw the remaining part down to the bushes under the window.