Enjoying The Ship Ride

Seren had already boarded this ship before so though she was curious about their journey, she didn't have to be told about the basics again. She saw the sailors on the ship were almost finished preparing the ship to sail and most of them were fixing some ropes; in fact, there were many ropes that were tied to three tall wooden poles placed at specific distances within the ship. 

On the white sails attached on the mast was the dragon insignia symbolizing the King of Megaris, as well as the sun crest that symbolized the Ivanov Royal Family. 

As the sails fluttered along with the strong wind, Seren noticed that some men had climbed those huge wooden poles using the ladder-like ropes, with a handful standing high up at small horizontal wooden poles attached to those long ones. 

"That looks dangerous. Won't they fall down?" Seren asked.