Change In Drayce

Seren was provided with food and drinks which would help her feel better and suffer less from seasickness. Later, till the evening, she was resting in Drayce's cabin. When her eyes opened, she found it was already dark and the cabin was lit with the lamp. She looked around the cabin but Drayce was not there. 

'How long did I sleep?'

She turned to lay on her back from her one side only to see the slanted glass ceiling and her eyes left wide open. 

'So beautiful!'

She continued to look at the dark sky which had a tinge of deep blue to it because of those numerous shining stars and a bright moon. 

'No wonder Dray said the sky looks beautiful at night from here!' 

A pleasant smile painted on her lips and she continued to watch the beautiful view ahead while lying in bed. 

'It would have been even better if Dray was here. But where is he?'