
I was walking fast, fast as I could, getting outside of that house. I don't want to see them anymore. I can't. I just can't.

"Amethyst, wait!"

I walked faster, not wanting him to catch me. I'm too ashamed, not of them but for myself, I'm mad and at the same time I'm mad at him too.

I jumped as a hand grabbed my arm, "I said wait!"

I pulled my arm back and faced him angrily, hiding the sadness, hurt in my face. "What the hell do you want?! Isn't that enough?!"

He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tightly. " We'll talk." I laughed bitterly, removed his grip from my arm.

"No! There is nothing to talk about. Do you know what's best? Go back inside and have fun! I've already said what I wanna say! I'm done pretending."

Tears come rushing down my face, I looked at Theo and he was just standing there and looking at me with no emotions in his eyes.

I just want to get away, what I did to him and his family was shameless. All along I thought they're behind my sister's case!

I thought wrong, I was the bad guy, the antagonist of the story, I made things complicated.

I covered my face and cried louder, "Please? J-just.. just leave, leave me alone..."

I showed him my weakest state and that is this, me crying my frustrations at him, I don't want him to see me like this but I couldn't hold back, after everything that had happened. I blamed his family, his sister for my sister's death. Can you blame me? I didn't look further because I thought I already knew who's the one behind that car accident. Gwy is driving the car! The police told me she was drunk when driving, but I didn't know that the police is an ally of the enemy. She was drugged.

Two strong arms wrapped around me, "I knew your plan from the beginning, I'm not talking, because I know I can change your mind, and I did, or so I thought I did. Something kept your distance from me, we're good, we have no issues, but now I know who it was that made the distance." He cupped my face and made me look at him.

"I love you, Atyst."

A new set of tears pooled in my eyes. I shooked my head. He's always like this! Looking at me like I'm sort of vulnerable.

"Don't look at me like that!" He shooked his head and smiled.

My mouth formed a small 'o',"This is not even funny." I looked at him in disbielief. "H-how can you still love me? I ruined your family!" He chuckled.

As if what I did, didn't matter at all. As if nothing happened. It's like they just absorbed all the wrong things, and then gthey let go.

I gave him an angry glance, then punched his chest.

"Stop laughing, you idiot!"

He stopped but a smile was suppressed from his lips. I felt helpless. I sighed. I just want to think, to absorb everything and be alone. I want a new and fresh start, new life, new me. I won't use other people to get through this, I'll do it my self.

I grew up with my ate by my side, maybe that's the reason why it's so hard for me to let go. To set her free like this. Things aren't easy, we got each others back. But when she died, I felt lonely, I was alone, the feeling is like I was trapped in some place where I couldn't get out, it's suffocating.

I couldnn't grasp the reality that she won't come back. That she's gone, together with the baby inside her. It saddened me how fast time and people come 'n go on earth. But we cannot stop there, it is our fate, our destiny, plus the fact that nothing is permanent in the cruelty of this world.

I looked at the man who's been there for me. In times of hardships, the person that is so easy to love but so hard to get and to be with. The man I've been dreaming to be with for the rest of my life, but I doubt that it will happen.

He wiped the tears on my cheek using his thumb, my eyes softened. "Me too, I love you, with all my heart." I looked down, put my hands above his chest and gently pushed him away.

But the fact that we started our relationship wrong, I don't know if we'll be able to make it right. Especially, me. Even if... you say things to to make things right, it won't. This is wrong. So wrong. And what? You're going to tell me to leave it to you again?" I shooked my head.

"No... No, I won't let you." I looked away.

"I'm sorry but no. I ruined myself, I need to fix everything by myself, I need to heal by myself. It's me who's at fault, I'm the reason."

I cupped his face using my left hand while my right is wondering, touching his eyes, the tip of his nose, his lips, everything. I want to remember him. "If only I have been more cautious in gathering information and evidence about my sister's death, we won't end up like this." He lowered his grip on my arms, he looked more serious now. "I didn't feel any regrets for what happened to us or for what you did. Because witout that, I won't have the chance to meet someone like you, I won't love you like this."

My lips are shaking, making it hard for me to talk. I don't now what to say, he's so determined not to stop this.

"My family knows about your plan, the moment you stepped into our home and into my life. Did you hear anything from them? None, my family loves you because you changed Fia. Fia, wants our parents attention and she gets that by doing things inappropriate. But believe me when I say she was drugged that night. It was an accident, her car also crashed when she avoided your sister. Someone was chasing her, Atyst. It's not because she's too drunk, she may be a black sheep but she knows her limit. Someone is after my father, again. That person saw my sister as a bait, I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty. I'm explaining this that it's not your fault, our family is already in chaos when you came in. If your sister is alive, I'm sure she'll say the same thing. We are all victims here, so please, let me be your survivor. Let me heal you."

He put his right hand behind my back, leaned my head on his chest. I felt a gentle kiss on top of it, then he caressed my nape usiing his thumb.

"He's always receiving death threats, but he didn't mind them. I grew up in a family where problems are just like typhoon, it hurt a lot, but we manage because we have each other. And this time you have me. I'm a Madrilliejo, remember?"

I managed to roll my eyes, while bucket of tears are rolling down my face. The guts of this man to boast!

"Really? In the middle of this conversattion?" I gave him a pinch on the side, a chuckled rose from his lips not minding if it hurt or not.

I watched him laugh like he was happy having me here despite of what's going on, even though he's been a lot of through lately. From his fiance leaving him, and then getting back together again, but he knew she cheated, with my boyfriend.

He's like a free man, not in a relationship. But free from all the distress, when his eyes met mine, it softened. "Don't even think about leaving me, you know I'll search for you everywhere, even if I have to travel around the world, I'll do it for you."

I hugged him tighterr, burried my face on his chest and inhaled his addictive scent, that calms my nerves.

God, how I love this man so much.

Meeting him was an accident, I never knew I would find another star that I will be able to catch again. And this time, maybe this time, it's for eternity.