
Jonathan's POV.

"No,not necessarily in that manner of speaking,think of it this way...the theme for this year's showcase is all about diversity right?" The middle age woman said while paring up at me hopefully, and i nodded in return but raised my brows at her not really understanding where she's going with this and she smiled almost triumphantly before saying.

"Well, what says diversity better than a divers class of people, in respective of sex, age and color all gathered together in one place with one common goal?" This woman has been a consultant for Snow's secret collection(S.S.C) from the very beginning, she has proven her worth and value to my company and my team of designers time and time again. There's no doubts or whatsoever that she is amazing at her job, but this? Can we really pull this off?

"You're not suggesting we use street models are you?" She drops the folder containing photographs of our professional models on the marble counter with a thud while snapping her fingers excitedly.

"Exactly! Now you're following my point, we can even arrange an audition where you will be the judge. That way, you will have the opportunity of picking only the best of the best!" Jacques shrikes with glee and sigh apprehensively. I don't know what will be the right thing to say really. I mean, her ideas aren't exactly unreasonable either but the risks are also there. By doing this, we will be taking a very huge step and the risks might cost us a lot. 

But, well be making history at the same time by doing something extraordinary for the people who have been waiting for an opportunity like this and it might also be what the company needs after all. 

I'm about telling her to come back to the office tomorrow lets discuss this further with the marketing team when a familiar voice said.

"Thank goodness you're still here, this house is so huge...I've been looking everywhere for you, Do you know where my cloths are? i tossed them away last night in hurry and i can't find them now" She finished saying all that in one breath before realizing i wasn't alone as she hugs my oversized T-shirt closer to her body while blushing furiously

before saying. 

"I'm so sorry, i didn't know you had company" I'm about telling her not to worry about it,when Jacques interrupted me saying.

"Je ne savais pas que ton type était le genre naïf avec des joues roses et des lèvres embrassables Jonathan?"

(Translation: I didn't know you're type was the naive looking kind with rosy cheeks and kissable lips Jonathan?).

"Je n'apprécie pas que vous disiez de telles choses à propos de mon invité, et je ne me souviens pas de vous avoir parlé de mon type!" (Translation: I don't appreciate you saying such things about my guest, and i don't remember talking to you about my type!). 

I told her a little too sharp and she looked at me alarmed by the change in my tone and i maintained a pointed look so she would know I'm upset about her calling my guest naive. (Scoffs) This woman is anything but naive. Jacques chuckled nervously while gathering the folders on the marble counter quickly before saying. 

"Bien sûr! Désolé de supposer, appelez-moi quand vous êtes moins occupé. Je vais me voir, passez une bonne journée vous deux" (Translation: Of course! Sorry for assuming, call me when you're less busy. I will see myself out, have a nice day you two). 

With a speed of a lighting blot Jacques was out of the door as the young woman tears her confused gaze from the door while looking at me questionably probably confused about what just happened.

"Good morning miss Ridley, your rest was fine i presume?" I asked in hopes of taking her attention from whatever thoughts she might be having and she narrows her eyes with paused lips as if she's waiting for me to remember something. I tilt my head confused about what she wanted from me before pieces of conversation from last night came back to me and i cleared my throat before saying.

"Good morning Isabella" She grained toothily while rounding the counter to stand in front of me with her hands still hugging herself as we exchanged greetings and i couldn't help but returned her infectious smile as i replied to her question of the whereabout of her cloths.

Miss Ridley whom i'm now forced to call Isabelle against my better judgement was in the neighbourhood running some errands for her father last night when the rain caught up with her, her sister had given her my home address so she showed up on my door step drenched in rain and had refused to step foot I'm my home unless i called her by her first name.

I wasn't sure if she had a death wish or had simply gone mad when she threatened to walk back into the brawling storm if i didn't drop the formality and i didn't want to find out which one of those two was the case so i gave into her demands and she's still holding it over my head the next morning.

"I didn't know you could speak French" I was hoping she'd forgotten about that really.

"Oh, yeah, i picked up a few phrases when i was in college" She studied me for a while with raised brows as if she didn't believe what i said, i speak French fluently of course but she didn't need to know that and i was glad she chose to ignore it as she said something else.

"You still haven't told me how a man in his late twenties winded up with a billion dollar clothing company" I wanted to correct her by saying, it's billions of dollars and not a billion dollar but she doesn't need to know that too as i chuckled quietly while sitting down on the luxurious chair of my home office before saying.

"There was a very popular trend on every social media platform about six years ago, #CrownedInSnow'sSecret. I don't know if you heard of it?" Her pupils are wide as she exclaims. 

"Yes of course! I heard of it, it was literally the biggest trend of the year. It got more than half of world's population talking about it. Wait! What does that have to do with you?" She seems truly confused as she asks me this question and i smiled.

(Flashback To Six Years Ago)

"Be that as it may father, i wasn't born to be your shadow doing everything you demand for without questions. I am my own person and i should live a life i deem fit" Great! There goes my quite morning as usual is sigh in irritation. 

"Don't use that tone with me boy, I'm still your father" (Scoffs loudly) 

"Just admit it will ya? You failed as a father. You're here trying to show the world how perfect your family is by making your son work side by side with you when the said son hasn't even had a meal on the same table with you in years" I know he's beyond pissed by the way his fists are clenched and the purple vines on his forehead are clearly outlined but i continued talking.

"Why don't you just give it up father? I'm not your puppet alright? You have a lot of those at your beck and call already, I'm sure one of them will be happy to take my place" What nerves this man has, its like he goes out of his way just to ruin my mood each day.

"Why can't you see that I'm doing this for your own good son?" He says while pointing at me and i laughed dryly before asking.

"So, this is about what you think is best for me again? Should i remained you how that ended when you did it last time by marring another woman after mom's death?" He shoot up from the chair like he'd been stung in the ass by a bee as he glares at me before saying.

"I won't let you disrespect Jennie like that, she's been nothing but kind to you!" I'm pissed that he's making me the villain as i shouted back at him.

"Don't you dare make this about her father! And yourself a favor and stop trying to get me involve in your business, i want no part in it!" I caught a glimpse of Emily's chubby checks pepping from PJ's nursery as Jennie tries to clam the crying infant but i ignored her and headed towards the mansion's gate.

To Be Continued.