Third person's POV.
Everything seems right in the world at this moment as Jonathan walked out of his business meeting with a huge smile and his bodyguard/driver said.
''I reckoned it was a success, Sir?'' Jonathan got into the rented sports car as he undid his tie before saying.
''Better than I'd hoped Lance'' The man smiled kindly after hearing his boss's answer.
''How are we doing on the clock, Lance?'' Came Jonathan's voice a moment later.
''We'll be in Gardenia by nightfall if we leave now Sir'' His bodyguard said while looking at his wristwatch and he nods before saying.
''Well, what are we waiting for? let's get going then; Gardenia awaits us'' There are few moments when Jonathan lets his guard down, and when that happens he's very enthusiastic about the littlest things which makes everyone's job around him easier.
Amirah's head was so deep into the walk-in closet that she had to stretch her neck out when her friend's voice said