The Recuse

Rod and Tobias become delighted that The Syndicate of Invisibility got distracted when their base got attacked. Rod and Tobias will take this opportunity to escape or at least hide until they plan to attack, which does not involve more injury and blood loss. Rod and Tobias found it difficult to run or hide because every place is guarded with snipers or with heavily armed guards to eliminate anyone they did not recognize as their own. Even though Rod and Tobias were armed, it was only them vs. at least fifteen enemies. Tobias and Rod were already exhausted and fatigued from running around, shooting the enemies, and trying to escape. Rod and Tobias hated being shot at, especially Rod, because he reached a point where all he wanted was to keep shooting and killing the enemies to see how many he could take with him before they killed him. An average person would have given up and chosen death or given up and betray their teammates and country that they had sworn to protect.

"I am glad that The Syndicate of Invisibility is not shooting at us. I was getting irritated of getting shot at." That was what Tobias had said to Rod. "I agree with you; it was getting annoying and frustrating running around since these f***ers kept on attacking and shooting at us." We need to take advantage of this opportunity to figure out how to escape or sneak up on the guards on duty. We need to either kill them or put them to sleep without getting noticed.

Rod and Tobias forgot that they knew how to create a bomb themselves, but they concentrated on killing their enemies or escaping from where they were kept hostages due to wanting to survive. Rod and Tobias are thinking of making a bomb that is strong enough to destroy a room full of enemies but without being killed themselves. To make a bomb, Rod and Tobias needed to find the following ingredients: a metal pipe that would be long enough but not heavy so they can place it or throw it around quickly. In addition, Tobias and Rod would need to find nails or something equivalent along with ball bearings or something close resembling ball bearings.

Rod made an executive decision to go on his own to search for the supplies since Tobias kept spacing out due to being exhausted from running around. Rod did not want to risk their life unnecessarily since Tobias is a liability now until he recovers by resting. Rod wanted to avoid getting caught by The Syndicate of Invisibility. This terrorist organization is dangerous to deal with since it took Tobias and Rod getting tortured to escape, an unorthodox method to escape from being tortured. Rod's specialty from the time he joined the military was recon and reporting back to his command without being detected by the enemy. Rod left Tobias in a secure area that would be difficult for the enemy to find unless the enemy searched well and paid attention to their surroundings. Rod paid remarkably close attention to the guards; he could easily distract or would have difficulty distracting when he and Tobias were running to escape. Rod was tired of murdering and seeing blood on his uniform.

Over time, Rod was mentally affected by killing everyone he saw as a threat or did not have the same standard as he viewed as good. As a result, Rod was more apathetic than empathic. It would not be until ten years after the event with The Syndicate of Invisibility that Rod would become an abusive husband to his wife and children. Rod started developing trust issues before Rod married his wife Scarlett Noelle Cross, who he admired when they were in high school. Rod, before he got with Scarlett, Rod dated a few times, but he got either used or cheated on. The women he dated did not understand he was vulnerable due to the traumatic event he had to endure from the pain of being tortured a few times with Tobias. Rod wanted to give the women he dated the benefit of the doubt that they were not using him to get with the man they wanted or for his money. What affected Rod was not just the killing of the enemy but the people who wanted to sleep with his mom because she was gorgeous. What triggered Rod mentally was remembering his father, who people respected in a hospital bed, fatally injured, succumbed to his death, and disfigured.

Rod continued looking for the ingredients to make the bomb blow up The Syndicate of Invisibility hideout just enough to cause a big explosion to escape without getting in the way of the detonation. Rod recognized a person who was in the uniform of his own who was fighting with the enemy. Rod was happy to see that The Syndicate of Invisibility was not having an internal fight among each other. Instead, Rod's unit came to free them from this hell hole that seemed like a nightmare from a dream. While Rod was distracted by seeing his teammates fight the enemy, he got stabbed in his back. When Rod turned around to see who pierced him, he recognized the man he now deemed a traitor working with, The Syndicate of Invisibility. The person Rod recognize was no other than Albert, who he swore saw died with his own two eyes. I am I hallucination, or is this Albert in front of me.

"I saw you die the last mission I got assigned with you and Tobias. How are you alive? Why are you wearing The Syndicate of Invisibility uniform?"

"You saw me die? What do you remember about the last mission where you thought I died? Rod, if my memory serves me right, you came out after an explosive bomb had gone off already. So, you had already assumed I died and saw my body on the ground. Rod, did you forget my specialty was getting close to people and making them trust me, and I am a master of disguise."

"Albert, this time when you die, you are going to be dead for good, and there is no coming back to life." I trusted you as a brother, but now you have gone and betrayed us. Tobias would have been happy to know you are alive, but I will not tell him because I will kill you under this circumstance.

Rod's team fights to survive and recuse them when Rod got done talking, and gunshots got heard from the distance. Smokescreens got thrown in Rod's direction, and since it fogged up the area, his team used this opportunity to carry him since he got wounded bad enough to lose more blood which can kill him.

"Rod, where is Tobias?" We need to get him so we can all leave as a team. We do not leave teammates since they are family. Rod responded by telling them he will advise when to stop since he left Tobias in a safe area.

"Stop." Open the door and turn right and walk until you see a door with blood on the doorknob. Once you open the door, you will walk left, and we will find Tobias under a desk resting since we have lost a tremendous amount of blood. It's a miracle we have not died yet. I thank God for keeping us safe. Unfortunately, when they reached their destination, where Tobias was supposed to be resting, they didn't see Tobias's body.

When Rod searched for ingredients for the bomb, Tobias felt Rod would be in danger, so he searched for him. Tobias reacted to how Rod did when he saw Albert, Tobias was the first to see him, and unlike Rod, Tobias drew his pistol to kill him. Tobias is less talk and more about action. Because for Tobias to see Albert alive, he knew it was either a plan he and Rod were not involved in, or Albert was an enemy who pretended to be a good guy to get information from the government.

Tobias got stabbed in the chest by Albert, and if the knife had been a little higher, it could have pierced his heart. However, as Tobias was losing blood, Albert chose to stop Tobias's heart to make it seem like he killed his enemy. In actuality, Albert saved Tobias's life and carried his body outside to get recused by his team, who entered the enemy's base knowing that the outcome would not be in their best favor.

The team with Rod got a call saying Tobias was outside. Once they heard that Tobias was safe and out, they left the room and threw more smokescreens so the enemies cannot see them. After they made it outside, they set bombs outside The Syndicate of Invisibility fortress to blow it up. Once the helicopter came in to take them back to their base and inform Rod and Tobias' family that they are alive and well, just tired, it was when they detonated the bomb to go off.