His Favorite Photo

Mayu has been busy with other things and for the upcoming photo exhibit of Hwan. Madame Choi and her have been always in meetings to talk about the promotions they would be doing for the event. Mayu suggested that she’ll write an article about it both in Korean and English to attract an audience of any nationalities online. When her suggestions were approved later that night, she called Hwan after a week.

“Hwan-ah.” Mayu said when he answered her call. “Can you visit the gallery? Any day will do.”

“Sure. I can come tomorrow.”

“Okay. And can you please bring some copies of your photos in a flash drive? I need some photos for the article I’ll be writing.”

“Sure, no problem.”

“By the way, can you walk already?”

“Yeah, I already removed the bandage 2 days ago.”

“Okay, that’s good.”

“I'm also gonna give you something.”

“What is it?”

“See it for yourself. I also need something in return.”

“What do you need from me?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

“Why tomorrow? When you can tell me now?”

“Haist, jinjja. You’re so stubborn, you won’t listen.”

She chuckled, “Araso. Jalja.” She said before she ended the call.


Mayu has been busy during the morning. She's written some questions in a notebook for Hwan to answer. She also has been taking notes about what kind of article she’ll be writing to make an appetizer for the upcoming exhibit. Her only problem is she hasn't thought of any title and tagline for promotions. That is her weakness as a writer. Sometimes the shortest statements are the hardest to make. She couldn’t make out anything although she had seen the photos of him. So to be able to think of it she needed to interview Hwan.

While she was typing on her computer her phone rang above the table, it was Hwan.

She answered the call, “Are you here?”

“Yeah, I’ll wait for you at the coffee shop.”

“Araso, I’ll be there in a minute.” She said before she ended the call.

When the call was done, she opened her drawer to get the face powder. She fixed her face for a moment and looked at herself in the mirror while retouching her lips with the lipstick. Minutes later she was done so she immediately carried her phone and notebook. She stood from her desk and instantly walked fast going to the elevator. When she entered the elevator, she looked at herself at the reflection on the glass as she fixed her dress. While preparing herself in front of it, she finally realized that she did not need to prepare before meeting Hwan. It’s not a date after all. And then she smiled. Her usual smile is like in the sketch portrait of Hwan while feeling ridiculous about what she’s doing.

Minutes later she arrived at the coffee shop. She entered when she saw the back of Hwan while seated. She also noticed the corner side of his seat had a portrait that was wrapped in paper. She walked towards him.

“You came early.” She said as soon as she arrived.

“I’m not busy anyway.”

Mayu was going to ask him if he wanted some coffee but she saw the two iced coffee on the table. “You already bought the coffee? I actually wanted to buy it for you.”

“It’s alright. Take a seat.”

Mayu sat down across him.

He immediately handed the flash drive. “Here.”

“Thanks. I’ll return this to you.”

“No, it's yours.”

“Jinjja? Gomawo."

Mayu put the flash drive in her pocket.

“Is it alright if I’ll ask you some questions?”

“Yeah, sure. It’s fine.”

Mayu set her phone into recording and put it above the table near Hwan’s side. “Okay, let’s start.”

“What made you start taking pictures?”

“For me, it’s like painting but it’s easier. A high-tech form of art that captures the reality of certain things. I want to capture what fascinates me. I want to make people see what I see.”

“When did you start photography?”

“When I was a student. I was part of an org when I was in college. I took some pictures for the school newspaper.”

“What made your photos special?”

“I think there's nothing special about it. It just represents what I see.”

“Do you have a favorite photo?”

“Hmm, I think I’ll have one today.”

“What do you mean?”

“I haven’t taken that photo yet.”

“Ah, okay,” Mayu said. “Is it important to take photos using a specific camera?”

“I think you can use any form of gadgets. The beauty of your shot could be seen by how you see it.”

“Okay, that’s all. I think I get it now.” Mayu said while she removed her phone from the table to turn off the recording. “So, now, what are you going to give me?” She genuinely smiled.

Hwan smiled and he raised the frame wrapped with paper on his side.

“Here.” He handed it over to Mayu.

Mayu held it, “What’s this?”

“See for yourself.”

Mayu unwrapped the paper on the frame. When the wrapping was torn, she was surprised to see the image inside it.

“You’re giving this to me?” She asked.

“It was childish when I said it was mine.”

“Whoa, you have matured,” Mayu said surprisingly.

“Same as you. You’re not the same girl in the portrait. Usually, you’ll fight until you have this. But you ended the argument instantly. That made me think that you deserved this now.”

“Omo, thank you so much. I love this.” She said feeling touched.

“But in return, I need a photo of you with the same smile.”

“Call! I’ll do anything for you, Nam-nim.”

“Stop that.”

“Araso.” She put the frame down to start preparing herself. “I’ve been retouching since this morning. Good thing I did that before I met you.”

“You did that?”

“Yeah, maybe subconsciously I could sense that this would happen.”

“Actually, you look charming.”

“Thanks, I got this from my mama.”

He slightly laughed, “Okay, are you ready now?”

“Yeah, I’m ready.” She sat up straight while she comfortably set her face to smile brightly.

“One, two, three, say kimchi.” Hwan counted before he took the shot on his phone.

Mayu smiled brilliantly while she said, “Kimchi.”

Hwan looked at the photo first on his phone. “Let me see!” Mayu insisted on seeing the photo so he gave his phone to her. “Do I look the same?”

Hwan chuckled, “Yeah, it kind of looked the same.”

“I love this. Send that to me as well.”

Mayu gave his phone back, “Okay, I will.” Hwan said.

“What are you two doing?”

Mayu and Hwan have stopped talking when Bun Chun-ae arrived with an iced coffee in her hand. Her face looked suspicious and she was slightly frowning while staring at both of them. She also saw the image of the frame on the corner side of the seat of Mayu.

“Why did she have that?” Chun-ae asked while looking at Hwan.

“I gave it to her.”

“Why would you give that to her? Isn’t that one of your favorite sketches?”

Hwan awkwardly looked at Mayu for a moment then he stared at Chun-ae. “That belongs to her.”

“Anyway, what are you doing here?” Chun-ae frowned at Mayu while asking her.

“I-I work here?” Mayu said, feeling intimidated again.

“As what?” Chun-ae asked.

“I’m the new writer.”

Chun-ae looked at Hwan again, “What are you looking at with your phone?”

“I took a picture of her.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I like to take it.”

“You took photos of what fascinates you. What’s fascinating about her?”

Hwan signed, “We’re working for the exhibit next month.”

“You did not answer my question.”

“Please stop asking questions.” Hwan tried to keep his temper low.

Once again Mayu felt awkward being stuck in the middle of their feud. She did not know what to do to escape this disaster. She also realized that if she’s strong-willed,

this woman’s level of stubbornness is different. She immediately gave up while thinking she would not argue with her.

“Oh, it’s you again.”

A man that looks familiar appeared beside Chun-ae. He’s holding a coffee in his hand while his finger is pointing at Mayu.

“Do you know her?” Chun-ae asked him.

“Yeah, I met her last week.” The man said.

Mayu frowned for a moment while she stared at the guy beside Chun-ae. Seconds later she finally remembered who he was.

“Ah mata*! Bu Chung-hee?” Mayu said unsurely. (That’s right!)

“Did you know each other, hyungnim*?” Chung-hee asked Hwan. (Older Brother, formal)

“Yeah, you know each other?” Hwan asked.

“Yes, she was my blind date last week,” Chung-hee said.

“Blind date?” Chun-ae and Hwan said at the same time.

“Hyu--hyungnim? How did you know them?” Mayu asked Chung-hee.

“She’s my older sister. And he’s her...” He thought for a while then he paused, “Are you two dating, Nuna*?” (Older sister, for males only)

“Yes—no.” Chung-ae and Hwan said at the same time again.

Chun-ae furrowed while staring at Hwan, “No?!”

Hwan signed and then he stood up. “I’ll go first, Mayu.”

“A-a-araso.” Mayu said.

When Hwan stood up to leave Chun-ae followed him behind.

“I can’t believe she’s your sister,” Mayu said.

“Me either,” Chung-hee said. “What are you doing here?”

“I work here.”


“How about you?”

“I came for my allowance.”

Mayu finally remembered and understood the information she read about him. She also recognized that they have the same surname and their first name is almost spelled the same too. But then she wondered if he was her younger brother. It means he’s young.

“Oh my god, you lied,” Mayu said.

“Ne?” Chung-hee asked.

“You’re not 28 years old!”

He awkwardly chuckled, “I’m honestly 23.”

“Bo?! It-it means you’re still a student?”

“Ne, I’m still in college.”

“Bo?!” She said like she almost shouted.

“You actually look the same age as I am. When I saw you I thought you also lied.”

“I never lied!”

“That’s a compliment.”

“I know!”

He awkwardly smiled, “Mianhaeyo, Nuna.”


That evening Mayu could not stay put at the same place. She’s been walking back and forth in the living room of their house. Meanwhile, Hea was in the kitchen while making their dinner since she promised Mayu to do the chores for two weeks. Mayu showed her the portrait of her young self that was given to her by Hwan. She also told her what she found out today at the gallery. Due to that, she has decided to stop arranging herself for blind dates.

While walking back and forth she also kept on checking on her handphone. She’s thinking if she’ll call Hwan or not because he hasn't sent her a picture yet. She also wondered what happened to him and Chun-ae when they left. The scene this afternoon looked toughened. It seemed like they had a huge fight. She thought somehow maybe it was her fault.

She finally paused from walking in the middle of the living room. She has decided to call him first. If she would not do that it would be difficult for her to sleep. So, she breathes deeply while she’s holding her phone. Seconds later she courageously dialed his number.

It rang several times so she thought he might be sleeping by now. She waited for a bit longer until the ring had stopped.

“Mayu-ah, wae?” Hwan asked.


“O, gwaenchanha? Why are you asking?”

“You left with Chun-ae-shi while both of you were upset. Did you have an argument?”

“We did.”

“Jinjja? What happened? Did you break up?”

“I think I have made it clear with her.”

“What do you mean?”

“We might have dated a few times but we’re not together.”

“Ouch, you’re mean.”

“Why, I’m mean?”

“She seems to like you. Baboya*!” (Stupid!)

“I know, I also apologized because of that.”

“You apologized but hurt her feelings.”

“She’s being possessive. I’m not a thing that she owns.”

“She’ll not gonna get back at me, right?”

“Why would she get back at you? You did nothing wrong.”

“Yeah, that’s right.” Mayu finally breathes freely. “Can you send the picture earlier?”

“Ah, I forgot. Mian*.” Hwan said. “You’re seriously having blind dates, huh?” (I'm sorry, informal)

“I did, a few times?”

“Chung-hee is still a student and he’s in love with someone else.”

“I did not know that he’s a student! I just found out today!”

“Don’t do blind dates you might find the worst guy.”

“Araso, I’ll stop.”

“Why do you do that anyway?”

“The blind dates?”


“I had not dated guys before.”

“You had not dated guys before?”


“Geunyang...” Mayu said.


The boy helped Mayu to set foot in school while she was covered with his autumn coat. She’s still crying inside that layer and it might take her hours to stop. So the boy brought her to the bleacher near the football field surrounded by a few students. He sat next to her while she silently weep. Many minutes had passed when Mayu removed the coat on her head. Her whole face was red and her eyes were swollen. The boy reached his handkerchief to her and she did not refuse. She used it to wipe her eyes and cheeks then she blew her nose.

“You need to wash your face with cold water.” He suggested.

“G-g-gahamsanida*.” She slightly bowed her head and after that, she sluggishly walked away from him. (Thank you)

Mayu wandered on her own on the way to the girl's restroom at the building. There she washed her face on the faucet. Then she also washed the handkerchief before she wiped it on her face. After that, she drank some water in the faucet. Then she looked at herself at the mirror in front of her. Her nose was red and her eyes were swollen. She breaths with her mouth to relax. Seconds after that she thought that she had not seen the face of the boy who helped her, this made her look at the handkerchief she was holding. After all this, she went out of the restroom.

She tried to move her legs as she walked steadily in the hallway going to the classroom. As she was moving an arm encircled around her neck and someone walked beside her.

“You’re early!” Hwan said on her side.

Mayu did not talk.

“I went to your house earlier. Your mom said you will be doing something important in school—” He stopped talking when he saw her face, “What happened to you?”

“I watched a movie last night with a tragic ending.” Mayu lied.

“You still cried because of that?”

“Y-yeah, it is painful.”

“For a second I thought your teacher talked to you because you have a failing grade.”

“Failing grade would never make me cry.”

“What was the ending?”

“They both died.”

“What movie is that?”

“I don’t know how to say it, it’s in English.”

“You probably did not entirely understand the movie since it’s in English.

“Do you think I’m an idiot?!” Mayu frowned while she removed his arm around her neck.

He stopped walking. “With a failing grade? Yeah.”

Mayu also stopped walking while she stared madly at him. But Hwan walked away from her to enter his classroom while Mayu followed him by sight.