
I started writing Chasing Sunshine as a casual project for Pride Month. It took longer than I thought because although it started off light and easily it blossomed into something else.

Chasing Sunshine is a book that's very close to my heart. These characters are people that I know. People in my everyday life and I soon realized that I'd given Zayleigh parts of me. More than I meant to.

It has been an emotional roller-coaster, it has been frustrating and irking and absolutely beautiful. I loved every second of writing this book. Even the parts I hated.

I wrote this book for my best friend. For myself. For every person out there who's finding themselves and relate to Zayleigh in anyway. I wrote this book to show that it's okay not to know what you want. It's okay to be confused and doubtful. That we're teens and we don't have to know everything.