Eury's POV,

Today is our practice match with one of the best four, the St. Francis. I've been looking forward to play against with them and excite to see how insane those tosses from their setter in person. I want to see it up close and compete against it. I also want to break their iron wall blocks.

They are really the perfect team to practice with if we are serious about conquering the nationals. Playing against strong teams make a team become stronger as well.

We will consume every skills of each players in St. Francis team so they better be ready and not slack off.

"I am feeling nervous but at the same time I am so excited to go in their school!!! I heard they have a lot of hot guys in there kyaaahhhh!!!!" I just shook my head because of what Pauleen said. Well it's good to know that they are still in high spirit to go there.