For some unknown reason I dint feel like using the elevator. As we climbed up the stairs, few questions that I missed in the past popped in my mind. I dint make an effort to reign in my curiosity.
“Ethan? Does everyone in Jo-Haan speak English?” the question tumbled out of my mouth.
“No Ana, we have our own language. After a great deal of debate and confrontation, English was chosen for communication between the neighboring planets, ‘cause, as the Terrans are not yet aware of our presence, they sort of act as a middle ground for us. Inevitably, it has become mandatory to learn English. The citizens of Jo-Haan are welcomed to use the language of their preference, that is, either English or Johein”
I dint even give him time to breath, I promptly fired the next question as we climbed second flight of stairs. “How far is Jo-Haan from Earth?”
“Umm…approximately thousand times further than you are from sun” my eyebrows flew up.