Hey It's Viral!

Its almost the weekend and I feel like shit.

Can school come already?

It's no surprise that I wanna be at school because ever since I spoke to Celine I've been in all kinds of moods.

Killing someone was one of them

And that someone would either be Mai or Celine.

Which is one of the reasons why I didn't wanna be home rn

I got up from bed and picked up my phone

Mai: Hello

Claire : Can we talk?

Mai: When?

Claire: Come over?

Mai: Be right there

The initial plan was to talk to her. I've known Mai long enough to talk her out of this "love" she's going in about.

My mom had popped by after my call to Mai to let me know she was going to the mall with John (whatever) and that seemed like a good idea.

It'll give us room to fight if it came to that because trust me when I say I was gonna use any means necessary so she listened to reason.

I felt a little hungry so I went hungry and I went downstairs to make something.

Precisely pork. Yes judge me.

I'm a pork lover

Just as I'm about to eat the doorbell rings.

Mai: Hey

Claire: Hey

Mai: Still "porking in the morning" I see

Claire: You know me....I don't change unlike...

Mai: Please Claire could we not?

Claire: Come...Sit

Mai: Can I have some?

I looked at her for a few seconds


Here she was sitting in my kitchen as if nothing happened

Claire: Sure

Mai: Thanks I'll get a plate

Claire: Could you help get some fresh juice from the fridge?

Mai: Sure. Did your mom make this?

Claire: My mom? What happened to you calling her Celine

Mai: Ok ok chill you know what I meant?

Claire: Actually no Mai I'm not chill

You got pregnant and didn't tell me

And now you call Celine mom?

What else are you gonna do

Call me sister?

Mai: Ok just let me explain....

Claire: please do that.

Mai: So after the party at Bob's last summer I was walking home...Alone

Claire: Yes I remember that day

I was super drunk and we got into a fight about Welsh was it? The ugly looking red head that looks like his mom had him by fucking an alligator? That party?

Mai: Yes...Claire that party. That Welsh too

Claire: ok go on

Mai: I got mugged that day and John saved me

He got the guys who'd taken my purse and asked to walk me home

I guess at one point we started talking and I realized he wasn't such a...

Claire: ...such a loser? Racist? Sadist? Should I continue?

Mai: ..he's so much more than that Claire...he's sweet...

Claire: if you say sweet Mai so help me God

Mai: You don't understand

Claire: Yes Mai I don't please tell me how I'm gonna understand the fact that my fuckin best friend in the fuckin world with whom I had all this great plans for life would go and have sex with my ex and current mother's gigolo and fall pregnant. Please! Please! Please! Tell me how that makes sense

Mai: that's ENOUGH! Know what Claire? I can't deal with you when you're so angry

I'll talk to you at school

Claire: You do know he's HIV positive right?

I hadn't meant for that part to come out but it was about damn time.

Mai: What?

Claire: You should get tested.

Mai: But...but...but...he told me he was

Claire: lies.lies.lies and more lies

Mai: that means you've got it too?

Claire : We used protection Mai

Mai: Oh my God

Claire: I'm sorry I told you like this but you have the right to know

Mai: Claire what am I gonna do?

Shit she was crying

I never meant to make her cry

I took her by the hand and pulled her face up so she could look at me

Claire: You didn't know Better. You're just stupid naturally. I get that but...

Mai: wow that's some comforting words...

Claire: I would take you to the hospital and I'll stay by your side whatever happens ok?

Mai: My life is ruined...

Claire: No don't say that....you'll be fine....you've had worse trust me...this sickness will not....

Celine: who's sick?

Mai and I looked up to see my mom put down the stuffs she'd bought

At this point we both were speechless until Mai moved towards her and said

Mai: John is...

Celine: John is what Hun...

Mai: hmmhmm John is HIV positive

Celine: And Jesus is black hehe

Claire: mom listen. John, the man you worship is sick!

Celine: Where's this coming from? Do you have prove of all this accusations Beau?

Claire: Don't call me that...

Celine: I know you don't like him? But please stop trying so hard to sabotage the guy

Claire: ok have it your way but I were you I'd get myself to a hospital just to be sure I'm not gonna die soon

John: What is going on? Are you guys ok?

Hi Mai. Hey babe

Claire: What is he doing here?

Mai: Are you sick?

John: Am I...what do you mean?

Claire: Celine what the fuck is he doing here?


Mai had gone full crazy at this point she was shaking.

She was moving towards him while my mom just stood there.

I was a little shook myself and quite frankly proud.

Now this is the Mai I know

You better answer bitch

Instead he took step after step back. Speechless of course

Mai: I'm gonna ask you one last fucking time John!

Are...you .. HIV positive?

John: Yes.. Yes I am

Celine: What The Fuuuuck