Don: Walters ?
Zoe: Walters Walters ?
Mai: Fuckin Walters
I mean who names thier kid Walters Walters?
We all laughed at what Mai was saying.true enough though. Who names thier kid Walters Walters?
It's been two weeks and finally things were starting to go back to normal.
Sure when Mai had come out of the operation she'd gone to her old self so fast it worried me. Don't get me wrong, all I wanted was my friend back but she hadn't even mourned the loss of her kid and if I'm being one hundred percent honest if stay she was scaring me a little.
I watched her laugh along with Don and Zoe and it made me wonder if that was genuine laughter? Was she faking it?
Lord I hope not.
I made it a point I my little imaginary book to have a talk with her .
For now I'm just gonna enjoy this weekend with my friends
First we'd gon swimming in our favourite spot lose to the mountains. It's just beautiful this time of the year.
And now we were at Walters Walters house for his 17th birthday party so I told him what had happened at the hospital.
They couldn't help but feel sad for the poor guy. God knows I do but "c'est la vie" or as you'd say in English "it is what is is"
Mai: Rate Suzy's ass on a 10?
We all turned to look at Mai in awwe because what the fuck
Zoe: Suzy nose-y bro that girls nose huge AF
Don: I'd say she is a hard 7....
Mai: Her ass Don
Claire: Hmm nigga what???
Mai: So? Rate Suzy's ass!
Don: Definitely a 10
Mai: I knooooow hehehe
Oh please guys it's the 21st century. I can look at girls butts
Zoe: ooookkkk
Claire: I mean I guess I'd say she's got a pretty good butt?
Mai: pretty good? That ass is dynamite
Don: you don't say hehehe
Zoe: well since we're talking about butts, can I just say mines a solid four yayyy
Don: I like your butt
Claire: weirdos
I'm gonna go get us more of this wack ass punch we been drinking
Mai: Amen to that sister
Claire: yeah right...sister
As I walked away I couldn't help but let my thoughts wonder to Mai some more.
Damn I hope she's ok because I was about to lose it any minute now
Safe to say I was over protective of mines.
I walked into the room full of kids to see Walter Walters chugging on the keg while kids scream "wal-ters wal-ters"
Atleast someone is was having fun.
Thing is Walters was my first.
First Everything.
Back when I was a "nice person"
I loved him.
He was a sweet boy and I had to go and break his heart
We made up.
And I broke it again
Three times
So why did I love home then? Did I love him really or did I just loved the fact that he loved me?
I'll think about Walters some other time.
All I wanna do this weekend is spend some sweet time with my besties and life my best life.
I'll worry about tomorrow, Tomorrow.
I got the punch and headed back to meet my friends who were still talking about butts.
Fuckin sisters
Zoe: Claire's is a hard 17 on 10
Claire: Claire's a what now...?
Mai: your ass.
I think you have the best ass in the world
Don: absolutely
I'd tap that in a second
Claire: Oookkk that's good to know
Mai: Claire would you ever like...I don't know...
Fuck Suzy?
Claire: I don't know... depends?
Don: On what?
Walters: Hello sisters!! What are we doing?
Oh oh have you tried the punch?
I think it's amazing!!
I'm having a real nice time today,
oh man I wish I celebrated my birthday everyday.
Did you know it's my birthday today?
Yeah...I'm turning 18..uhhh sorry 17...hehehe
Did you guys try the punch?
All the while talking,Walters was staring straight at me.
Ok ok.
He was definitely drunk or high or something because he was not making much sense.
ai: happy birthday Walters
And congratulations on becoming a man
Finally yayyy
Zoe and Don: happy birthday man
Claire: Hey Walters Ummm....
Walters: yeah Claire...
Claire: come with me please...I have a gift for you.
Walters: Sure Claire.
Your desire is my lady
Don: Don't you mean " her wish is your desire?"
Walters: That's what I said.
Claire: ok ok come on
I mean it hit me how much a person could fuck someone else's life so bad.
I gotta start thinking and considering people's emotions here
Walters: soooo....
Claire: wanna have sex?
Walters: uh uh uh....sure ....yes anything you want...I'm yours to do with as you like...wish....desire
Claire: Calm down'd not like we haven't done it before?
Walters: yes of course....boy I could never forget even if someone erased all my memories
Claire: ok take off your clothes "Mr Walters Man"
Walters: oh yes Claire boo
Talk nasty to me
Sex with Walters was the best
For a child he had a great body
Only because he was a gym rat
If there was anything he loved more than he loved me was going to the gym
I watched as he took off his shirt
Damn he still got it
All the muscle bulging
I wanted to run my hands through his hair and kiss his earlobe so bad
Ok ok this was the alcohol talking
I never took the time to checkout a boys body but now I was sure having a field day
He proceeded in taking off his trousers.
Legs shaved.
I love smooth skin and he had on a Calvin Klein boxer
Points young man
Shit just keep getting better and better
Claire: Let me take the rest off of you.... please
Walters: You are turning this white man onnnnn...Sheesh baby girl
Claire: Shush!! Quiet
Less talking, More mourning!!!
Walters: ohhhhhhh your lips feel cold damn
I got down on my knees and tugged on his underwear with my teeth.
As his boxers dropped, my eyes shot up to his private
Claire: I'll be damned
Sorry sweeties
I know it's been a while since I updated
Promise more parts coming soon
All my love
Keep reading
Font forget to ask me whatever, whenever
I'm just a DM Away
And I answer to EVERYONE