Part 1: The Palace

Dearest citizens of Aresia,

I let you open your newspapers this dazzling morning to this lovely news from the palace:

The opening of the season ball will take place this week on

Thursday, May 29th, XXXX

The time shall begin at half-past eight where her Majesty the Queen herself will be present to announce the participation of her own children: Our Jewel of Aresia, crown Princess regent, her Royal Highness Amelia Pandora of house Ignatius and her younger brother, his Highness Prince Isaiah of Ignatius, will both be participating in this year's season!

Our debutantes and Inductees will most certainly take advantage of this prime opportunity for a chance at the crown! Oh, what drama!

I, your beloved editor will most certainly look forward to the drama that is imminent. Will you also, dear reader?

From the editor of The Aresian Chronicle

Mr. Merphy