15. Tattoos & that bitch

Song: Superhero-Lauv (Moilatch remix)


She was surprisingly quick today. I was glad. They usually took longer.

They dressed me, though Dr.Claude told me to stay in bed for a while- I didn't listen. Today was horrible; for the last few hours of the afternoon, I just wanted to be with my friends.

I got into the carriage and immediately fell asleep the moment the carriage started rolling down the dirt roads of the Aresian woodlands. {1}

**To whom it may concern: the majority of the woodlands in Aresia are in fact, owned by the nobility. Leaving only designated areas for lesser classes to hunt meat onto their table.

It is due to this fact, that the greater part of the lower class travelled to Valoria during the great meat movement (shut your dirty mind you whore) in hopes of finding work and food.

Unfortunately, the majority of them just found homes in the slums. Or as they call it, the south-end. **

I didn't dream. But when I woke up, it felt like I hadn't slept at all. My entire body ached from sleeping on the uncomfortably hard bench. (Yet another punishment from my mother.) And my back hurt due to the position I'd drifted off in.

"Your Highness!!" The coachman called from outside. "We've arrived." I was too tired for a witty remark so I simply slipped out onto the knee-high grass.

I looked around, perking my ears to hear any shouts. "Where are they?" I asked as I heard shouts coming from the northwest of where I was standing.

"I believe they are just beyond this patch of trees, highness." He smiled apologetically, knowing he couldn't get any closer.

I closed my eyes and sighed. That bitch really was making it hard for me.

Well, I had to learn patience somehow. I thanked the coachman and made my way through the trees.

I wandered through the trees, careful not to step in any puddles. The smell of the marsh overwhelmed me and I smiled, feeling at peace in midst of the calm wilderness.

As I reached the clearing I looked about to my friends. Almost all of them had decided to sit around on the ground but as I examined the area I noticed a lone figure by the fishing rods and dock. By the look of their shoulders, I knew they were male. Long locks were tied back behind his neck and he kicked his legs as he looked out onto the silent river, a fishing rod in his right hand.

I walked over and took off my shoes, rolling up my pants as to not spoil them. Behind me, my friends talked on, still having not noticed my presence.

I sat down next to him and smiled. He looked like a farmer, with a cat-tail in his mouth and his violet eyes staring into the distance. I looked him over. His skin was clear ivory and his violet eyes were dark with thought. He had a strong jaw and had done the smart thing of taking off his jacket. He wore a white shirt and had rolled up his sleeves to reveal strong, capable arms decorated with midnight-black tattoos: wave-like ribbons of black and a large eye on his left arm. I wonder what they meant to him.

"You look pensive," I informed him. His head shot in my direction and his eyes met mine. I smiled.

"You came," he said after recovering from the initial shock.

"I did."

He looked over me starting at my hair tied back in a simple ponytail, my white tunic and brown pants, eventually stopping at my bandaged right arm. He blinked for a moment before sighing and looking away. "How bad was it?" He inquired, combing the stray hairs back with his fingers.

I thought about it for a moment and also looked away onto the river. The sun had begun to set and the marsh had begun its night routine. A lone firefly sat on a piece of grass in this opposite bank. In the distance, a bird chirped. The air was cold but not unpleasantly so, it smelled nice. I made a note to commit this feeling to memory. "It wasn't as bad as usual," I finally tell him. "It could've been worse."

"Your mother's insane." He huffs, taking the cattail out of his mouth and sneering.

"No," I reply firmly. She may be bad, but she was still my mother. "She just doesn't know any better."

"And one should pity her for it and exclude her from blame?" He snapped back.

I looked away again, I knew he was right, but I wasn't going to tell him that. A wave of newfound anger brewed inside me. "I suppose it makes sense coming from a man who accuses me of murdering my best friend," I mutter.

"Didn't you?"

I grit my teeth as images flashed through my mind. Images of smoke, hot flames licking my neck. Of blood. Her blood. On my hands. I take a deep breath and remember where I am. "No." I lash out.



We descend into silence. I realize how close our bodies are and though it didn't bother me before, I make a point to move away from him. He notices, of course, and stares at the new space between us and then at me.

I glare at him.

He glares back.

We turn away.

I don't remember how long we sat there but as I laid my head back onto the old wood, I was met with a black sky and constellations above me. Crickets chirp in the distance and a dragonfly flies past me. I stretch out and sigh.

"I'm sorry," I say. " I got angry. I don't like it when people insult her."

"Why?" He asks. It was a genuine question. He turns to face me and I maneuver my head to see him. "She clearly doesn't care about you."

"I know."

"Then, why?"

I huff a laugh as I look up at the sky again. If I were in front of my soldiers, I would've said something like 'I care because she is my Queen and my country, and I respect her no matter what.' Which wasn't true at all.

"Honestly? I have no idea." I tell him. "I think it's because I care too much. And I believe that under every villain is a good, broken person."

"And you think you can fix them?"

"No." I sit up so I can meet his eyes. "I think I can help them fix themselves."

"Still fixing."

I shrug and look at his line. "How many fish have you caught?"

"Um...." He scratches his neck, surprised by my want for small talk. "Five? Seven?"

"That's impressive."

He shrugs. "I'm lucky today."

"So why aren't you with everyone else?"

He shrugs again. "I don't want to be with people at the moment."

"Did you have the chance to talk to them at least?"

"I did."

"And what did you think of them?"

"Well." He laughs. "Your brother wants to kill me-"

I laugh too. Of course, he did.

"-so do your ladies. Bryon's too busy eyeing Eleanor and Khalil seems nice."

"He is nice." I grin.

"He is." He agrees, grinning also. He pauses. "Though. Um." He fully turns to me now. Sitting cross-legged he faces me. I face him also. "I don't think I fully understand his situation."


"Yes. When I first saw him, I thought he was the son of a Crestian dignitary, but he told me he was Aresian, so how is that?"

"Ah." Most people have the same question. Though the Aresian nobility did have persons of colour among their nobility, they were few. And very few ever got as lucky as Khalil when it came to inheritance. "So. Basically speaking, Khalil's father was an Aresian soldier who fought in the war and his mother was a noblewoman."

"Oh, so they're married."

I laugh bitterly. "No. They're dead."


"His mother was already married to another man. They had an affair. When Lord Clarence found out he was aggrieved-"

"Not enraged?"

"No. Clarence is a gentleman. With that considered. Lady Clarence gave birth to Khalil. And Lord Clarence couldn't find it in him to cast the boy out. He told his wife that if Khalil's father came back alive from the war. She could divorce him and leave. His father didn't make it back alive. She committed suicide the moment she found out."

He raised his brows. "That is......"

I exhale. "I know."

"I don't know what to say."

"Lord Clarence had a legitimate daughter after Khalil. Claire. But his lordship knew his daughter wasn't capable of inheriting the title. So he raised Khalil as his sole heir. And here we are." We both turn to my friends. They'd set up a fire and our eyes drifted to Khalil who was getting his cheeks squished by Cora as everyone else laughed.

"We should head back."

I nodded and we both got up and made our way to the group.

"Anthony! You- Amelia!" Isaiah exclaimed as his eyes landed on me.

I waved. "Hello, cunt."

"When did you get here?" Isaiah. Followed by a chorus of agreements.

"I got here.... as the sun set."

"What? Why didn't you tell us?" Accusation. Isaiah. Agreements.

"You chose your fiance over us?" Khalil. Laughs.

I give them a look. "I have known you idiots for my entire life. I have known this motherfucker for a day and two weeks. I choose to meet new people-"

They all protested and pouted at me. I sighed. "Besides. You can all survive a day without me."

More protests and pouts and pointing to a puppy-dog-eyed Isaiah.

Anthony grabs my shoulder and leans down to me. "Are they usually like this?"


".....They must love you."

"......It's not fun. Sometimes."

"At least you have friends."

I laugh. "And you don't?"

"They all want me for power."

"Not Thomas?" I tease.

"Thomas hates me." I laugh harder. "He thinks I'm an idiot."

"Thomas!" The protests go silent. "Do you hate Anthony?"

"What?" He furrows his brows. "No!"

"Do you think he's an idiot?"

"Yes! He has no brain and or intelligence."

I looked to Anthony who just gave me a look. "I was right."

"Half-right," I clarify.

"Still right," he points out.

I just smile and let him win the argument.

Isaiah and Cora pointed at us accusingly: "Look at these two. So amazingly in love after having one conversation."

I just gesture to Cora and Thomas: "Look at these two. So infatuatingly in love after looking at each other for five seconds at a party and never speaking after."

I smile as they both glare at me. "At least we had a conversation."

"I hate her," Anthony informs us bluntly.

"I hate him also," I grin.

They all laugh, clearly not convinced.

I begin to look around at my surroundings as the conversation begins to dull. I stare at the trees in front of me and then turn to stare at the river. The sounds of the forest drowning in the conversation of my friends. The heat of the fire at my back contrasting greatly to that of the chilly air drifting from the river.

I sniffled. My head throbbed lightly as the conversation drowned out even more. My head hurt and fatigue coaxed me to close my eyes.

I wanted to sleep.


We got back to the castle after midnight. I was drained and contemplated waking at eight o'clock rather than five as my ladies and I made our way to my chambers.

The first sign of a storm came as a servant with a large crate rushed past us. They had come from the door that leads to my chambers.

I blink as my ladies and I eyed each other, perplexed.

"What in the name of the good lord Jesus is going on?...." I murmured as I stepped into my chambers. Several servants, maids and manservants alike raced around, some with sheets and others with chests of clothes. Men's clothes.

My eyes widened. Oh hell no.

Behind me, I heard muffled swearing and embarrassed squeals as Anthony and Thomas trudged in. In towels.

"Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on!" He boomed as he made his way towards me. His eyes were wild with anger and his blond hair made him look like an angry lion.

"You think I know! I'm just as clueless as you!" I shout back.

"Can the both of you please stop yelling and get me a shirt!" Thomas shivered. "It's freezing." He sniffled. I pursed my lips and reminded myself that Borelis was far warmer than Aresia. Cora rushed over and covered him with a blanket.

I sighed. "Of course, she would do this."

"Do what! Who! I swear I'll kill them!"

"Really? You didn't seem to have much luck this morning." I absentmindedly scratched my head.

"What-" His eyes widened as the realization hit. "No!"


I followed as he stormed into my bedroom, the scent of roses and lavender candles wafted into my nose. Rose petals lined the floor to the bed and my eyes landed on the inscription left by my mother on the bed. In rose petals.

Have a nice first night- QA

I clenched my jaw to stop it from falling on the floor at the audacity.

Anthony shook with anger and threw the nearest candle out the window.

"That bitch!"


Thomas: Vote for a detailed description of Anthony's abs in the next chapter.