Song: The author by Luz
January 2nd, XXXX
Father grows anxious. He's been growing more and more paranoid since Araysh's betrayal and his wedding.
No one had ever thought he would leave like this. I'm simply glad that if I die, my son Libr will be able to take the throne and that I have not to worry about a civil war after my death.
Being Prince regent is not a task for the light-hearted. Over the past few months, Father has grown more and more ill and I have had to take the mantel of responsibility onto myself. I'am glad for Arialana, who supports me throughout and takes care of the children.
It grows late and she calls me to our bed.
I shall go now. Sleep is not a luxury I wish to give up just yet.
~ Diary of Prince Silo, Royal Ezrain Library of Valoria
I wake up at around eight and stretch in the sun. I haven't been this relaxed in so long. I laugh out loud at how good I feel.