Chapter 3

I looked around the room. It's just a normal room with a bed with beige color sheets and a black night stand beside it, a bathroom, a cabinet and a study table.

"Hayst… I first got my luggage that has my gadgets with it and the foldable table.

I assembled the foldable table and put it beside the table here. Next I got all my gadgets and fixed it on those tables.

Just as I predicted the study table is not enough for my gadgets. So bringing my own foldable table and making Vhon suffer from carrying it is worth it.

I chuckled.

I then opened one of my laptops and played a song from the speakers I brought here.

Wew... I missed this. The trip here is so long so I missed using my dear babies. They're my life seriously.

Before playing the song I made sure I covered my room with a force field so that no one could hear it except me. And also removed the earphones I'm still wearing from earlier.

I then got my last luggage and started fixing my things around the room.

I stopped from what I'm doing when I heard someone knock in my force field. As I looked at the person, I realized it's Sapphire. I turned the music off first then I removed the force field.

"What is it?" I calmly asked her.

"Uhmm… dinner's ready"

"Oh, I'll just finish this" I answered and fix my cabinet again.

"Woah.. all of this are yours?" I heard her ask, amazed

"Yeah" I answered not looking at her.

"What do you do with all of this?"


"Waahhh… Can you please play a music again like earlier?" I looked at her at what she said.


She looked at me and said "Please coz it looks fun. So I wanna try it. Please,please,please" with matching puppy eyes.

I admit she's cute with it.

"Uhm..okay" I answered hesitantly.

She's weird.

I played the music again and continued what I'm doing earlier again. My force field came back but this time with both of us inside it.

"Aaaahhhh I'm the Bad guy by Billie Eilish!!" I heard her squeal.

After I'm finished with what I'm doing I looked at sapphire who's clearly enjoying. She keeps on jumping and dancing around the room. Looks like she knows the music coz she's singing along with it.

And I must say she has a good voice.

I grinned while watching her. She looks like a kid singing along with a nursery rhyme. Her small height added to that.

When the music is done she stopped jumping and dancing. She ran out of breath because of it.

"That was so much fun!! Let's do it again sometime! Gosh I'm hungry! Come on let's eat already!" She said with a huge smile on her face while looking at me.


"Yey!! Let's go I'm so hungry" She said and I turned the speakers off and removed my force field in the room.

Right after I removed the force field in the room I saw Sapphire immediately ran out of it.

She's really weird.

Well I can't blame her even I am hungry. I went to the kitchen and we ate our dinner with her telling me how fun what happened earlier is.

I woke up early today so I finished getting ready for school early. Today's the first day of school and here I am sitting in the living room listening to music from Roby, waiting for the right time to go out. Classes starts at 8 am so I'll go out at maybe 7:30 am.

"Good morning Wither!!" Sapphire greeted me happily as soon as she got out of her room.

'Roby decrease the volume'

"Morning" I answered after I heard the volume of the song I'm listening decrease.

"I wanna ask what's your schedule for today" I gave her my schedule and she gladly took it. I watch her looking at it intently.

"Yiiieee we have the same first class!" She returned my schedule after she said that.

I smiled at her, it's a good thing I know someone from my class, even if it's only the first class. Having a class with no one you knew first thing in the morning is not a very good thing.

"Wither" I frowned a bit seeing how Sapphire's expression suddenly became serious.

What's happening?

"I want you to be careful, the school's president always has something up his sleeves for the new students. And unfortunately, you are the only new student in our batch. So most likely he'll focus more on you. And I'm telling you that's not a good thing." I could clearly see concern in Sapphire's eyes. We just met yesterday and she's already very concerned to me.

How touching…

However the president of this school must really be out of his mind to do things for new students. Based on Sapphire's concern, what he does to new students are not good. A school's president must be the school's role model not the school's gangster.

I don't really care whatever he does but I might need his name.

"May I know his name?"

"It's Zachary Deon Deinsford" hmm… that's enough.

I looked at my watch and saw that it's already 7:25 am. I guess we can go now.

"Let's go to class now. I can take care of myself don't worry" I said and stood up from the couch.

Sapphire then smiled at me again.

"Okay! Let's go! I'm so happy we have the same first class!" she said and went out the door first.

"Come on Wither!! Hurry up!"

This girl is really weird. Her mood changes so fast that I can't keep up with her. And gosh where did she get all of that energy?

She's even jumping and walking while on our way there.

I really can't have a quiet roommate huh. Well if it's Sapphire I guess it's okay...