Chapter 9

But then my fun was cut off when someone from the class stood up.

It's Vhon.

How K.J. I'm still enjoying teasing Zach here. I thought as I rolled my eyes at him.

I didn't notice him here though.

He's glaring at me while walking while I just stared at him.

When he came to me, he tied his blazer in my waist covering a part of my legs.

"Let's go, you still need to change to your skirt" he said as he dragged me outside with him.


I frowned at Vhon as curiosity hits me.

He somehow looks mad earlier. Why?

Is he jealous? Are they a thing? What's his relationship with Wither? And how did they meet? All of these questions roam around my head. Repeating each of themselves.

Vhon entered this school the same time that I did. We both entered this school at first year high school and by then I quickly took the first rank and he's the second. It's not surprising considering we were best buddies that time. However something happened and that friendship was gone in an instant.

I poked my cheek with my tongue as I suddenly felt anger rise in me. How dare he pull Wither out of the room. How dare he act like her saviour. How dare he pull my new victim away from here. I could've thought of something to embarrass her more here. She's only there in front of all of us and I'm still asking myself why the heck did I not come up of my next plan and instead just stared at her. Either way, I hate it. I hate how he looks at her. I hate how he saved her from the boy's prying eyes and the girl's glares.

Because I… somehow felt like it should be me. Not Vhon, not my mortal enemy...

All of us are still silent, looking at the door both of them just passed earlier.

"Well that's surprising" Justin commented breaking the silence between us. The other students then went to their own business and started chatting to themselves. Probably about Vhon and Wither.

"Yeah you don't say. Vhon is a quiet boy. Too quiet for my liking if you ask me he's more quiet than Lucas. And he acts as if he doesn't care about anything"

He really doesn't care about anything. I wanted to say.

"-Yet he went to Wither and pulled her away to change" Wade finished what Hade was about to say.

"I wonder what's their relationship?" Reven asked as he gazed at the ceiling. Something he always does while thinking.

"Maybe lovers?" Lucas answered.

"Well that's not impossible, after all they look good together. What do you think Zach?"

I just shrugged at Reven's question. "I don't know and I don't care" I coldly answered, making his eyebrow rise and the other's look at each other.

Thankfully before any of them ask me more. The teacher entered and immediately started the discussion.

After the class we're on our way to the office when my mom suddenly called me.

"Hi mom" I said as I answered my phone.

"Go to my office now" she calmly said. I gulped, I don't like this calmness of her.

"Oh okay. Be there in a few" I said as she hung up. I stared at my phone as I frown a bit. That's strange, she always tells me what will we talk about when she calls me. Is there any problem? But I can't remember doing anything bad.

"Who's that?" I looked at Reven.

"It's mom. She's calling me in her office"

"Huh? Why?"

"I don't know, she didn't tell me"

"Well that's strange"

"I know. Anyways, you guys go ahead. I'll just follow you after I talk to mom." I told them and went to my mom's office.

As I reached the corridor where my mom's office is, I can't help but feel nervous. Her voice in the call makes me think if I did something wrong and I can't remember anything bad that I did. When I'm in front of her door I knocked three times and opened the door to enter. Frowning when I saw who's in front of my mom in her desk.


Vhon lead me outside of the room quietly.

"What was that? Seriously? A jean, that short?" He asked me looking at my shorts, right when we're far from the room.

"This is what you call a jeans short, yeah?"

"Still, it's too short!"

"Well it's called 'shorts' for a reason" I said quoting in the air.

"What the- You always throw yourself in trouble and here I am saving you AGAIN. I can't believe you. I thought you must keep a low-profile here? Now you're the talk of the town." emphasizing 'again'.

"What? He's trying to embarrass me and also to piss me off. He got what he deserved. I'm done acting like someone weak when we both know I can destroy all of them within minutes. With powers or not." I answered him. Annoyed.

I know he's just concerned but seriously, I'm done acting like someone weak.

Besides, the short is not that short.

He's just over protective.

He scoffed at me "Just take care of yourself. Nicho's gonna kill me if ever"

I smiled at what I heard.

"And you owe me the latest Macbook" I rolled my eyes at him. Damn, he really is my cousin. We have the same love for technology.

"Yeah yeah order one. Place it on my account" He smiled widely at me.

"Wait hey go change! There's so many people!" He said trying to block me from people and glared at them.

I just smiled at him and ran to my dorm.

A few moments later a knock in the door interrupted me while I'm changing.

I finished what changing my shorts first and went out into the dorm's door. I opened it only to see the girl in the reception downstairs standing outside.

"The principal wants to see you in her office" I frowned at what she said.

"Okay, I'll be there shortly" I said and she immediately went downstairs.

I wonder why does the principal called me. I didn't do anything bad.


I just defended myself earlier. That is, if it's about earlier.

I sighed to myself and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Second day of school and I have to go to the principal's office already.
