Chapter 11

Standing in my room I let myself enjoy my playlist as I stare at my room's window. The beautiful moon up above returning my stare. I could see the back of the school from here, a forest filled with different animals sleeping or hunting its prey. It calms me seeing how the forest is so quiet and calm yet so dark.

However I'm not an idiot, I know that this forest is not all about how quiet or calm it is. I know that behind this, different creatures hunt each other, fighting and surviving just so that it'll keep itself from hunger.

Hiding and sleeping to keep itself alive and surviving. Somehow I see myself in them, I fight to survive and to protect those who are somehow close to me now and I hide to save myself and continue surviving.

That somehow changed when I transferred here in Scarlet Academy, I can now use my ability even though I can only use one. I won't need to hide that much. However I may have the permission to use one of my abilities, I still need to control myself because if I lose it, my hiding would be in vain and danger will follow not only me but to everyone I know. I feel free yet still chained.

I chuckled to myself. Maybe this is really my fate, hide and just reveal yourself if necessary. Kind of like a surprise attack. But I know to myself that even though I love the idea of surprise attacks I don't like it in this case. It's suffocating and it only grows as days pass by.

I took a deep breath and moved to my bed to sleep. As long as everything will be safe and will be under control. I know that I could endure this more and continue…

"Witheeerrr I really am sorry about yesterday. I'm not there to protect you! I can't believe they did that to you! They know that you're my friend!" I rolled my eyes as I heard what Sapphire said. She's been like this since we saw each other in the dorm earlier and that's 30 minutes ago.

"Sapphire didn't I already tell you? I'm okay, I'm here with you with 0% wounds or even a scratch so I would really appreciate it if you shut up"

"Meanie... Anyways are you excited for our P.E.? This is our first P.E. class ever!" My face crunched into disgust as I looked at her. What the heck, no I'm not excited as in NOT excited. Damn I'll just waste my two three hours for jumping jacks or sit-ups and more lame exercises. Don't get me wrong, I can do those with ease but I already mastered those types of exercises that I don't want to do one anymore. It's just not my type of exercise. I want more intense and heavy ones for my exercise. And I have my own set of exercises that will surely hype me up.

I know that she noticed my reaction but didn't ask about it.

"I'm glad that I'll have this class with you. Now let's go" I said and walked faster to the gymnasium.

"Okay" she said still joyful as ever.

As we enter the gymnasium, we already saw many of our classmates scattered inside, doing whatever they want. I also saw the president's group sitting on one of the seats inside and also Vhon glanding at me. I looked around me and checked the room I'm in. As usual, the walls are color scarlet, with dirty white accompanying it at some parts. Bleachers are around the room with a full basketball court in the middle.

Everyone looked at the center as a man whistled to get all of our attention.

"Okay class! My name is Sir. Salvador! I want you all to sit in the middle of the room and wait as I call your name for the attendance" he said as all of us started to find a spot to sit in the middle. Except the Grey Apcue of course. Being the principal's son and one of the strongest here has its perks. Both sapphire and I sat beside each other on the ground.

As different names are called by the teacher-to which I did not pay attention to-I kept on looking around me. If the teacher will continue in this class I'll just sleep in a corner or what to avoid doing those lame exercises. However my gaze was stopped when it landed in Zach's way as I saw him already staring at me.

What the hell is the problem of his guy? He won't budge even if I caught him staring at me.


"Wi-Wither Rose Verrone, who's this? Is this the transferee?" I looked at the teacher again as I heard my name. I felt irritated with the way he said my name as if I'm another burden.

"Yes sir" answered by my classmates.

"Where are you Wi-"

"I'm here" I abruptly cut him off and raise my hand, making one of his eyebrows raise. And Sapphire nudge me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Please behave, don't you see his body? He's strong obviously, don't make more enemies Wither" I rolled my eyes at what she whispered at me.

As if I care.

And 'beheve'?! What am I a child?? I wanted to say but decided against it.

"Well then, that completes the attendance. Let's get started" he started.

"As you all know the Grand trials will be on Friday and I know all of you already started your training for this. However there will be a change in this year's grand trials. Instead of the students taking it individually, you will do it by partner this year" the students started to have different reactions about this. Some are glad because they know their partner could help them increase their rank while the others are irritated because they think there partner will only hold them down.

Arrogant piece of shits…

I don't even know what to react because I don't know what that grand trial is. The only thing I know is the ranking. Damn, I'm here knowing nothing and I don't want that.

"Today I'll be the one to decide who'll be your partner. I will decide it by your strength. Weaklings will be with their fellow weaklings and those who are strong will be with their fellow strong classmates. In short you'll have a partner that has the same strength level as yours. Maybe a bit stronger or weaker but be assured that your strengths are near each other. So no one will be held back. I'm quite excited to see who's the best pair... In this year's Grand Trials we want you to establish teamwork with others. Now I want all of you to take a seat in the bleachers except Wither." My forehead creased when he let me stay here in the middle alone.

I really am like a clueless cat walking around. This is not good. I'll ask sapphire things later.

"Now I will see your strength while you're fighting with a special creature. This creature will choose someone in this room that's very special in you. Either in the future or past or right at this moment. The person that will be chosen will be held as a fake hostage so that you'll be all out. I want all of you to defeat her within 10 minutes.

Let's start with you Wither..."