I looked around while waiting for the teacher to finish the pairing of students. I don't really feel good with this and I don't know why. Venice kept on glaring at me and I just let her.
Like bitch glare like life depends on it, I like it that way.
I heaved a deep breath and leaned on the bleachers.
"Hey, you okay?" I looked at Sapphire that's clearly worried about me. "You kept on sighing this past 5 minutes"
"I don't know, I'm sleepy" I answered as I put my hands behind my head.
"Well we can-"
"And hungry" I continued and sighed again.
I looked at her again, squinting when I heard her laugh at me. "What? Aren't you hungry?" She smiled so brightly at me that I'm afraid I might go blind.
"We can buy our food at the cafeteria and head straight to the dorm so that we could take a nap after. How's that?"
"Perfect" I said as I closed my eyes and relaxed myself.
"Okay guys! Gather yourself in the middle again and I'll announce your partners now" Great. I have to stand up…
As all of the students are already in the middle except for the president's group of course Sir. Salvador continued.
"Okay so as you already know you'll be in partners. I admit there are some students that I don't know who to pair with but I figured it out so don't worry.
There are also students that I'm very sure who to pair with so yeah I'll start" I frowned a bit when I saw the teacher look at me when he said the last part.
He started announcing who are the people paired with and Sapphire ended up with my cousin, Vhon. Grey Apcue also ended up being paired with persons just within their group except for their leader.
I just want to finish this then go eat and sleep at our dorm.
"And lastly Verrone and Deinsford" I perked up as I heard my and the president's last name in one sentence.
What the-
I looked at the president and saw him smirking at me.
I always ask myself why the fuck is luck always not in my side. I know I rarely need it but it would really be a great time if I had some right now. Like why him?!
There are almost 40 students in this room and I get to pair with him?! I could live with Sapphire or at least Vhon.
I walked to the teacher.
"Excuse me… Is there-by any chance- a way to change my partner?" I asked as I went near him.
"No, you and Zach are paired because both of you have the same strength. It's obvious with your fight earlier that only the both of you match each other.
Thanks for healing Alisa though" he then smiled a bit and walked away. "Class dismissed"
I closed my eyes and pursed my lips in irritation.
I don't know if what he said is a compliment or an insult. Being Zach's match means we are the strongest in the whole school but tolerating him is just
really hard.
Sapphire went to me and immediately clinged her arm around mine.
"Woah, you got paired up with Zach! I'm actually already anticipating that seeing how easily you beat the hell out of that butterfly girl. You were so awesome back there! And also the way you saved me. You were so cool! I got paired up with Vhon and I'm very happy because he's strong and being his pair means I improved compared to last year." I smiled seeing her excited self.
"Thank you for your trust earlier though"
"Oh that was nothing! We're best friends of course I trust you" My smile faltered a bit hearing what she said.
"I hope I won't break it someday"
"Of course not! Now come on I'm also hungry" she answered and dragged me to the cafeteria.
If only you knew Sapphire, I already disappointed many people in my life. Seeing you add to my collection of those people… will break me.
As we entered the cafeteria all eyes were immediately on us, or rather me. We ignored all of them and lined up at the counter.
"Two orders of lasagna and coke, you?" I asked Sapphire as I ordered. She blinked at me once, then twice and thrice.
"That's just yours?"
"Yeah now order what you want"
"Uh… Carbonara would be good with coke also please" she ordered looking at the girl in her early twenties in front of us.
"Wrap it up we'll eat it at our dorm" I added
The cashier nodded at us and smiled "That would be 150$" I immediately gave my I.D. to the girl paying for the both of us. We used our I.D. as our credit card here. Everything that we'll buy inside the school's facility will be recorded and will be added to the tuition fee that we're paying. "Uh…" Sapphire looked at me and the cashier-who's already working on our payment- not knowing what to say.
"My treat" I just said, saving her from embarrassing herself.
This kid...
We got our order after. Sapphire holding the bag where our food is while I'm carrying our drinks.
We were walking to the exit when we saw Venice and her minions clearly heading our way glaring at me. The cafeteria doubled its noise in acknowledgement of the 'queen' of the school. Various comments are heard within this noise accompanied by whistles and screams. Some even bowed at her.
Is she a princess or something? Oh yeah she's a 'queen'.
I felt a tug on my sleeve so I looked at Sapphire.
"Let's just walk around. I'm sure she'll make a scene with us since she's walking this way" I frowned at her but followed as I also don't want any drama for
Typical queenkas of the school.
We changed direction but Venice also did the same and walked faster so she bumped into me with our drinks spilling mostly on me.
"OH MY GOSH!!" I grimaced at her squeal while I'm trying to wipe the coke spilled on me, with Sapphire helping me but she kept on giving wary glances at Venice. I also heard Venice's minions gasp and help her.
"Look what you did to my blouse! Bitch this costs more than your life!" I immediately raised my eyebrows hearing what she said. Didn't she chased us?
"That pathetic blouse costs more than my life? I must say it is expensive for something so ugly"
The cafeteria became quiet at my response.
Great now the attention is on us.