The next day is finally the Grand trials. Sapphire didn't ask any questions and acted the same as before much to Wither's luck. What changed however is the looks that Sapphire kept on giving her. She kept on glancing at Wither with respect and awe like she's Sapphire's favorite idol. But it's not just that, aside from the look of awe that she's giving Wither she also looks at her like she's someone dangerous and Sapphire should be wary of her.
It irks wither.
So while they were having their breakfast she immediately looked at Sapphire with a stern face.
"Stop that"
"Huh?" she asked, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.
"You're looking at me weirdly Sapphire. I understand that you're amazed at me or whatever but I don't bite" she frowned her brows, clearly confused. "You're looking at me like I'll hurt you. You should know by now that I won't" I continued.
"No it's just that… I'm curious how strong you really are like we all have a hunch but no one really saw you fight with all of your power or something like that"
"Nicho saw it though. He basically trained me since I was a kid"
"No I mean-" she took a deep breath while I continued staring at her. "I mean like publicly you know? I mean people like us not your relatives"
"Well we have the grand trials today. Maybe you'll witness something interesting there… I doubt it though." I said as I shrugged.
I heard her gasp.
"You're right! I'm excited!" and she started squealing. I took a deep breath, this day will surely be painfully long.
We're now all gathering inside a bus. It is said that this bus will bring us to the venue of the fight, which is actually surprising since I thought the trial will happen somewhere on the campus.
"Okay class, so you'll be wearing this blindfold so that no one will see anything outside the bus. I know we could just move the bus curtains but this is for assurance" NIcho said and walked around the bus while giving each of us the blindfolds.
"Aww, I was looking forward to seeing the scenery outside." Sapphire whined beside me.
We all wore the blindfold and the atmosphere inside the bus became quiet. I tried to feel wherever we're going even though, of course, it's useless since I don't know much about this part of the world.
After 30 minutes, we finally arrived at the venue and are now allowed to remove the blindfold.
We were all amazed as we saw how large the arena will be. It's like some kind of concert will happen here. That's how
big it is.
We were entering the venue when I suddenly felt Sapphire's hand on mine as she kept on taking deep breaths.
"I'm nervous"
"Don't be, we can do this"
"Of course you could, like heck this is just a piece of cake for you. How about me? I don't want to lose here! My rank will drop again it's already low as it is!"
"Sapphire as long as you followed what I told you yesterday I'm sure you'll do more than just great"
"A hundred percent"
"Zach and Wither go inside that room" Nicho pointed at the door five steps from where I am on my left. "then the rest of you follow me"
I frowned as I heard that. Why are we separated from them. I followed him nonetheless. Going in the room as the others left us.
Sir.Nicho led us to a room that's quite far with the where Wither are.
Isn't this a bit too far??
"Now listen to me-" Sir. started as he faced all of us. "You already know how Grand trials work so no need for me to explain that, right? Fighting dragons blah,blah,blah…" he continued with a shrugging gesture.
"Wither and Zach's fight will be the last as well as the fights that will involve any one of you here. They are separated from you because their fight will be different from everyone else considering that they are the two most strongest students of the university. This is for us to know how strong they really are and if they'll help each other"
I frowned. Wait, so what if they won't help each other? Is this still connected with some kind of teamwork the school is trying to teach us?
I saw Venice scoff and she even rolled her eyes.
Bitter much?
"So as a result, all of you will fight them together with the other top 20 rankers from last year's ranking." I completely froze at that, we'll fight them?! But they're like super strong!
"For Mr. President yes I know he's the strongest here but Wither? I don't think so" one of the rankers said.
Ooohh someone will definitely kick his ass later.
"Well you have to beat them. I'm sure your rank will increase if you defeat one of them, so what if you defeat both of them? You have all the time left to plan for your fight and for your fight with the two of them. Use your time wisely" and with that, Sir. Nicho left us here trying to think of a plan.
"Looks like I'll enjoy this year's Grand trials!-"
"The Grand trials last year started to get boring" Hade finished what Wade said.
Twins. It's scary sometimes. They really finish each other's sentences like it's not creepy.
"Huh?" I looked at my brother who called me.
"Do you lnow anything about Wither's ablities?"
Oh yeah, that she's actually really strong and could defeat all of us within seconds…
Of course I won't say that. A promise is a promise.
"I don't really know anything since she always stays at her room. I also haven't seen her train."
"So how will we defeat them?" Wade asked the question that everyone's been asking themselves.
"I don't know"
"I think I have a plan" we all looked at Lucas that talked. Great we have a plan.
I just have to make sure I won't fight Wither…