Princess Irena's Intro & Amy's husband

Irena Chan was an exquisite lady, and also a killer. She was the CEO of her company Death Row Corp, which manufactured space technology. But Irena used her space technology products to mask her company's true purpose, which was the company's drug operations. Irena went by the name, Princess Death Row. Even though Irena would go from one world to the next destroying whole civilizations, she still thought of herself as being a good person.

Irena had human DNA, but a few of the men and women who worked for her did not. The CEO ran a successful narcotic supply business and made millions of dollars selling a narcotic called CG7. There were plenty of alien junkies and drug dealers who were willing to spend thousands on Irena's product.

A lot of Irena's customers weren't human. Instead of selling her drugs to human people, she used the bodies of human people to create her drug supply. Irena had a lot of blood on her soft, manicured hands, but she didn't have a soul. Killing people had no effect on her.

Irena didn't see herself as being a murderer. She saw herself as being an entrepreneur. For ten years, she's traveled from one Earth to another, abducting people and feeding them to a predatory alien creature she gathered up from a desolate planet. This predatory alien creature was called a Boneseeker Man.

Irena owned thousands of these creatures, and kept them locked away inside mobile warehouse space stations. She bred these monsters since these creatures helped provide the resources she needed to create CG7. After Irena discovered that a Boneseeker Man enjoyed eating people more than other alien races, she provided a consistent amount of people for the monsters to feed on every day. Irena also realized that a Boneseeker Man could only produce the chemicals she needed to create her drug if it feasted on a human body. Since there were multiple copies of Earth in the universe, this meant that Irena could provide her Boneseeker Men with an endless supply of human flesh.

There were multiple copies of Earth in the universe, and that made Irena happy. She could destroy one Earth, and could always travel to find another Earth to invade and destroy. Since Irena was human, it made what she did more abominable. She identified herself as human, but yet she was an alien queen who went from one Earth to another abducting and killing off her own species. If you looked past Irena's beautiful hazel brown eyes, you would see the depths of hell. You'd see the thousands of people she's executed. Irena was the mother of death. You wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at her at first because she had a disarming personality.

She looked like a fashion model who could become your girl next door, or even your average little soccer mom. What made Irena dangerous was that she had a sweet motherly nature that could bring anyone's guard down. She could be funny, kind, charismatic, nurturing and supportive. She could make you feel relaxed before breaking your neck.

"My cook made plenty of food for you and your daughters. Would you like some breakfast?" Irena spoke through a soothing, sweet voice while offering food to a frightened man and his two teenage daughters.

A man named Gerald was one of Irena's captives. Irena abducted Gerald and his daughters from their home and imprisoned them. Gerald wanted his freedom, but he had to fight and kill a robot in a tournament to gain freedom for himself and his daughters.

Irena would hold a fighting tournament every year with prisoners. She would choose a prisoner and he or she would have to fight and kill a robot in front of a massive audience of prisoners to win their freedom. Irena's robot fought many prisoners year after year, and so far no one has won their freedom.

"How are you feeling? Did you sleep last night?" Irena asked Gerald while walking toward the man and handing him a cup of hot coffee. "If you're not gonna eat anything for breakfast, then at least drink something," Irena said while trying to put the cup of coffee in Gerald's hand.

"I'm not hungry or thirsty, but my daughters are hungry," Gerald told Irena while looking across the room at his daughters, Sara and Abby, who were both sitting beside each other in a corner of Irena's office on a red leather sofa. The two girls were trembling and rubbing their hands together as they looked up at their father and Irena.

Irena looked over at Gerald's daughters, giving them a heavenly smile. The crime lord approached Sara and Abby with her gentle eyes locked on their faces. Irena could see the sweat on the teenage girls' foreheads and she tried to make herself seem as harmless as possible to Sara and Abby.

"You girls are beautiful. Did you know that?" Irena whispered to the girls after kneeling down in front of them. She giggled a little when she reached up to touch the face of the youngest girl, Sara. The teenager flinched a little when Irena reached up to touch her. "It's okay, Darling. I'm not going to hurt you. I know you two have heard some bad stories about me. I'm the ruthless Princess Death Row. But I'm not ruthless, and you two have nothing to fear." Irena's voice was melodic and relaxing as she spoke to the teenagers while reaching up to caress their faces.

"You're not gonna kill our father?" The youngest girl, Sara, asked Irena through a timid tone of voice, and the pained apprehensive inflection in her voice made her sound like she had a temptation to cry.

"No, I'm not going to kill your father. What makes you think I would do such a thing?" Irena eased up closer to Sara while putting her hand through the child's long golden-brown hair. "I called you and your father into my office because I have plans to set you free. You will go back home to be with your family," Irena told Sara while caressing the child's face, causing the tension in her body to dissipate.

"Is it okay for us to go get something to eat?" The oldest girl, Abby, asked Irena while pointing over at a buffet of hot food that sat on a table near the office's window.

"You and your sister can help yourselves to as much food as you want." Irena smiled at Abby while reaching over and cascading her hand down the side of the girl's face. "You two will love the raspberry scones! They're heaven!" Irena giggled while tapping Sara and Abby's noses with the tip of her soft finger.

Smiles appeared on the two girls' faces as they both stood up from the sofa, after receiving a kiss on their foreheads from Irena. Sara and Abby looked over at their Dad, who was blowing kisses at the girls. The teenage girls returned the loving gesture to their father after walking over to the breakfast table.

Even though the atmosphere in the room had become more pleasant, Gerald could still feel the muscles in his body tightening. He felt a little relaxed for a second after seeing his two daughters smile at him. Gerald still felt a pit in his stomach while thinking about having to fight Irena's robot. He hoped that his months of training would give him the confidence he needed to win the fight so that him and his daughters could go home.

"You're so muscular. You look like a fighter." Irena laughed while walking around Gerald, scanning him from head to toe. "I think you're ready to take down my machine." Irena rubbed her soft hand across Gerald's bulky chest. She was still trying to relax Gerald after seeing the worry in his eyes.

"I've been training for months, but I've never killed a robot before. I don't know if I can kill your robot in front of millions of people." A trimmer evacuated from Gerald's voice as he spoke. He glanced across the room at his two daughters, making sure they couldn't hear what he was saying.

"You'll be able to kill my robot. It'll be easy. You can't be confident, baby," Irena whispered in Gerald's ear while reaching up to stroke the side of his unshaven face. "I know you're scared, but this will be easy. My robot will be dead and you and your daughters can go home." Irena giggled while giving Gerald her comforting words.

"But if I don't kill your robot, then you'll kill me and my daughters. You can kill me, but can you spare my daughters' lives?" Gerald tried to see if he could make a deal with Irena. He flirted with a terrible thought, which told him that he could lose the fight against Irena's machine. He didn't want to see his daughters get executed. Gerald had been Irena's prisoner for three years. He and his daughters went through years of torment from Irena's men.

Gerald had to suffer being starved and beaten by Irena's prison guards. He watched a guard assault his oldest daughter. Gerald himself even had to endure being assaulted by male prison guards, and even female prison guards. The father of two had a lot of damaging things on his plate, including permanent scars. He didn't want to add more grief by being killed and getting his daughters killed all because he lost a fighting tournament with a cyborg.

"I'm sorry, but if you lose the fight, your daughters will face execution. Those are the rules." The words that slithered from between Princess Death Row's lips did not match her silky voice and her warm British accent.

"Princess, there has to be a way for you to spare the lives of my babies, just in case I lose this fight." Gerald sounded pitiful through his pleading. The tall dark and handsome man became tempted to get on his knees in front of Irena and plead vigorously for the lives of his daughters. "Me and my daughters have been prisoners on your ship for three years and I've seen a lot of things. I watched my oldest baby get abused by a prison guard." Gerald paused for a moment. He looked over at his oldest daughter, who was enjoying a blueberry bagel. "I have permanent scars in my mind and on my body. Please Princess, I know I've been training for this fight for months, but I don't know if I can fight your machine. I don't want to lose this fight and lose everything, and my girls mean everything to me." Gerald ended his pleading words with a desperate sigh.

Irena never said a word as she stared at Gerald with pity. The crime lord stared up at Gerald while stroking her hand against the man's face. Irena studied Gerald's face, and she was looking at him with pity, but she was also studying him like someone examining an art piece.

Many thoughts were lurking through Irena's mind as she stared up at Gerald with a slight smirk on her face. Irena had a decision to make. Her decision and her lifeless gaze at Gerald ended after three long minutes. After winking at Gerald, Irena turned to tell Gerald's daughters she had a surprise for them.

"I've never done this before," Irena said to Sara and Abby while caressing Gerald's shoulder. "Your father made a request, and I've been thinking." Irena paused, looking down at her feet that sat inside pearlescent high heel sandals. She took a deep breath before lifting her eyes back on the faces of Gerald's daughters. "As you already know, every year, I choose a prisoner who has to fight my robot to win their freedom. I chose your father. You girls know that if your father wins the fight and kills the robot, that means that the two of you will no longer be my prisoners. But I decided there will not be a fighting tournament this year. I know you girls and your father have been through a lot and watching him fight a robot inside a cage is too much. So since your father doesn't have to fight my robot to gain his freedom, this means you girls and your father are free to go home with no strings attached." Irena revealed her surprise and she giggled from looking at the shocked expressions on the faces of Sara and Abby.

"You mean, you're letting us go?" Gerald's oldest daughter Abby spoke with a joyous tremble in her voice.

"Our daddy doesn't have to fight?" The youngest girl, Sara, asked through her timid voice with tears welling up in her eyes.

The girls looked around at their father. Gerald opened his arms when his daughters ran up and embraced him. The man held his girls against his body while looking up at Irena with tears forming in his eyes.

"Thank you," Gerald whispered to Irena after kissing his girls. Something told him that this was too good to be true, but he wanted to believe it. Gerald was thankful. He used his daughters' hair to dry his tears.

"Thank you for letting us go." Gerald's youngest daughter, Sara, told Irena while putting her arms around the woman's waist.

"You're welcome, Honey," Irena whispered down to the child before kissing the girl on her forehead. Irena embraced Sara and Abby, and she kissed the girls on their foreheads. "Before you girls leave with your father, I have another surprise for you," Irena told Sara and Abby while hugging the girls and stroking her fingers through their long hair.

Sara and Abby kept wanting to hold on to Irena. The two girls felt like they were hugging their mother and they realized the horror stories they heard about Irena weren't true. Also, even though Irena was a beautiful Asian woman, Sara and Abby thought Irena kind of looked like their mom. Sara and Abby lost their mom in a car accident and hugging Irena made the girls feel like their mother never died.

Gerald watched as his daughters thanked Irena while hugging her. It was a dream come true. The young man woke up this morning thinking he would have to fight a machine to the death inside a massive metal cage.

He thought he would have to fight for his freedom and the freedom of his daughters. Gerald's life changed and he felt overwhelmed with a joy he hadn't felt for a long time.

"I can't thank you enough for this," Gerald said to Irena while hugging her. "I can't believe you're letting me and my daughters go." Gerald whispered to Irena while tightening his arms around Irena in a wholesome embrace.

"You can believe it. I'm not as cruel as you think," Irena whispered up to Gerald while taking her thumb and wiping away a tear that rolled down the side of Gerald's nose." Irena released a giggle after saying that. The crime lord took her soft eyes off Gerald's face for a moment, looking across the room at her desk.

"You're a kind and beautiful lady," Gerald said while taking hold of Irena's hand.

"Come with me. I have a gift for you and your daughters." Irena took hold of Gerald's hand before leading him over to her desk. "I wanted to give you this. Since you're a free man now and your daughters are free, I want to give you a gift to remember me by," Irena told Gerald before kissing the back of his hand. The young woman smiled at Gerald while holding the man's hand near her cleavage.

Irena never let go of Gerald's hand as she bent down and reached into her desk to pull out the gift she had for him. Irena reached into her desk to pull out a gift that would change Gerald's life forever. It happened in a second, and Gerald never felt the bullet penetrate his skull. Irena fired three shots within a second, and there was nothing that Gerald and his girls could do about it.

The last thing Gerald saw was Irena reaching down to pull something out of her desk. BOOM! Sara and Abby couldn't react after they saw Irena shoot their father in his head at point-blank range.

All they saw was Irena's handgun being aimed at them, and then... BOOM! BOOM!

Pitch-black darkness enveloped the girls without warning. Sara and Abby didn't even feel the pain. The girls were still holding hands as they collapsed, smacking the back of their skulls against the floor.

Gerald still had a pleasant smile on his face. If you looked down at his face, you'd think he was just sleeping. A small, bloody puddle leaking out the back of his head was the only thing that would let you know he was dead.

It only took Irena a few seconds to shoot Gerald and his girls.

"I'm not cruel... I made sure you and your girls didn't suffer," Irena whispered down to Gerald while placing her gun back into her middle desk drawer.


"A Boneseeker Man ate my husband," Denise told Bryan through a sorrowful half-whisper. "Have you ever seen what a Boneseeker Man looks like?" Denise asked Bryan while holding her daughter in her lap. She waited for Bryan's answer while adjusting the steel chains around her wrists.

"No, I've never seen a Boneseeker Man," Bryan replied while slowly shaking his head.

"A Boneseeker Man looks like a demon. He has eight legs, like a spider, and his upper torso looks like a dead man’s skeleton." Denise explained to Bryan what the Boneseeker Man looked like while laying her sleeping two-year-old daughter down on the floor on top of a soft blanket. After making sure that her daughter was comfortable, Denise stood up from the floor and she made her way over to Bryan. She explained how a CEO crime lord, who called herself Princess Death Row, killed her husband. "That bitch used a Boneseeker Man to kill my husband. It ate my husband alive inside a cage and she made me watch. The bitch made me watch my husband die because I didn't want to have sex with her anymore. Princess Death Row deserves to burn in hell for what she did," Denise told Bryan while sitting down on the floor right in front of him.

Bryan stared at Denise. He shook his head while breaking eye contact with her and scratching his beard. Bryan met Denise a month ago, and he always thought she was gorgeous, but Bryan knew no woman could be more gorgeous than his wife.

"I shouldn't have cheated on my husband, and I cheated on my husband with a woman who's known for being the most ruthless criminal in the universe. I knew she was Princess Death Row even before she told me, and I still slept with her." Denise paused for a second, taking a deep breath. "I got my husband killed over money. We were poor, that's why I entered a relationship with Princess Death Row. She told me how she was a wealthy businesswoman, and that she would provide for me and my family." While Denise was telling Bryan this, she wished that she could go back in her life to correct the terrible mistake she made.

"You okay?" Bryan whispered while reaching over to touch Denise's hand when he saw water developing in the young woman's eyes.

"I'm sorry. I've seen a lot of bad things." Denise's voice trembled a little while she spoke almost close to an audible whisper. The young woman swallowed hard. "I was in a relationship with Princess Death Row, and I used to work for her. I kept track of her drug shipments. I watched her kill a lot of people, and I said nothing because she was paying me a hundred thousand dollars a month. She took care of me, my husband, and my little girl. I would give her what she wanted most of all, which was sex, and she would give me the money," Denise told Bryan while licking her lips and looking down at Bryan's hand, which was still touching hers.

"You said you've seen her kill a lot of people? Did you watch her feed people to these Boneseeker Men?" Bryan watched as Denise nodded her head to his question. The young man felt chilled to the bone as he looked down at Denise's fingers, which were caressing the back of his hand.

"I watched her kill babies of all ages. It wasn't just adults. I watched her kill a teenage mom and her six month old baby. She didn't discriminate. That's why they call her Princess Death Row because she uses death as a foundation to support her drug operations." Denise paused for a minute, releasing a sigh of disgust. "These Boneseeker Men help produce the narcotic she sells. Once a Boneseeker Man eats a human body, he produces this chemical in his waste. They extract the chemical from the creature's waste and they convert it into a drug called CG7. It's like a narcotic, but it's a little more potent and very expensive. The price for one ounce is four grand." Denise explained while looking at the lost expression on Bryan's face. The young woman knew she had lost Bryan after telling him the source of CEO's narcotic supply.

"That's gross." Bryan released an uncomfortable laugh through his deep voice as he tried to wrap his mind around what Denise told him. Since Bryan was a huge fan of sci-fi movies just like his wife, it sounded like Denise was telling him the plot of a sci-fi horror movie she'd seen. Bryan's mind was struggling to accept that what Denise told him was real.

"I can't believe no one told you," Denise said while looking at Bryan with pity. "A Boneseeker Man is gonna kill us one day. We're gonna be his dinner. That's the reason we're prisoners on this f*cking ship. We have to die so that Princess Death Row can produce more of her narcotic." Denise watched as the uncomfortable smile that Bryan had on his face vanished without a trace.

"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me I'm getting eaten alive by a Boneseeker Man?"

"Yes, that's why you're here, Sweetheart! They didn't tell you that after they abducted you?" Denise said to Bryan at a rapid pace and she could see the blood draining from Bryan's face. "Every prisoner on this ship is getting eaten. Watching my husband get eaten alive by one of these things was like being in hell with the Devil. I couldn't look away because Princess Death Row had her men chain me to a wall, and they pried my eyes open with metal prongs so I couldn't blink." Denise relived the moment while explaining what happened to her. "She thought about killing me at first, but then she decided that forcing me to watch my husband get eaten alive would be more tormenting. She wanted me to suffer, and she knew how to torture me."

While Bryan was listening to how Denise lost her husband, he thought about his wife and his son. The possibility of being killed by a Boneseeker Man devastated Bryan. It diminished his hopes of ever seeing his wife and son again.

"I miss my husband and he was taken from me!" Denise didn't realize at first that her cute baby-like voice was becoming elevated. The young woman stopped herself from yelling and she glanced around at her daughter to make sure she was still sleeping.

"I miss my wife and my son," Bryan spoke with a deep somber tone in his voice. The man felt a dark cloud hovering over him as he slowly stood from the floor while letting go of Denise's hand. Bryan wanted a cigarette. Whenever he felt depressed, he would smoke. Listening to the steel chains rattling around his wrists and ankles made Bryan feel even more hopeless as he walked across the other side of the prison cell, resting his hands on the wall.

"Your wife was a UFC fighter? Isn't that what you told me?" Denise asked Bryan while smiling a little.

"Yeah, she was a mixed martial arts fighter. Her fans called her The Mafia Mama. She would where this black leather dress and she'd come out to fight with a machine gun in her hand. It would either be an AR-15 or an AK-47. The machine gun wasn't loaded. It was just for show. She would put her signature choke hold move on her opponents during a fight, which would help her win a tournament most of the time. She used to have short blonde hair. It was platinum blonde and spiky. I always thought it made her look like a cyberpunk goddess.

Denise giggled while listening to Bryan. "So your wife would come out to fight with a machine gun in her hand?" The woman asked Bryan while reflecting on his cool, eccentric description of his wife.

"Hell yeah, she would come out to fight holding a machine gun. My wife was a total badass." Bryan smiled while shaking his head. "She could really kick some ass. Every time she would come out to fight, they would blast her favorite rap song throughout the arena. They would blast out 2Pac's All Eyez on Me because 2Pac was her favorite rapper." Bryan paused and chuckled. "Her fans called her The Mafia Mama. But I gave her the nickname, Gangsta Rap Goddess, because she loved hip-hop. She loved Tupac Shakur. She used to call him her darling before she met me." Bryan chuckled while folding his arms and leaning his back against the wall. "I know I told you this already, but I met my wife at a grocery store. She hit me in the back of my foot with her shopping cart. I turned around and saw this beautiful little queen with coffee-brown skin just staring at me, with this giant tattooed portrait of 2Pac on her left arm. My wife is Korean as you already know. She's Korean-American, but she grew up in England. Her mom lived in Busan, South Korea and she moved to Birmingham, England when she was pregnant with Amy. Amy grew up in Birmingham and she moved to the U.S after she graduated from college." Bryan paused while putting his hand up to his lips and chuckling. "My heart jumped when I saw her for the first time. She spoke to me through this sexy ass British accent. She looked like a Korean Beyonce. I didn't mind this fine ass chick hitting me with her shopping cart." Bryan shook his head while laughing along with Denise.

"She hit you with her shopping cart? Isn't that called assault and battery?" Denise joked and giggled while standing up from the floor and walking over to where Bryan was standing. "Who am I to talk about assault and battery? I met my husband at a football game and I threw a beer can at him to get his attention. I think I hit him with a Bud Light." Denise laughed at the shocked expression on Bryan's face after she told him that. The young woman moved her long blonde hair away from her face.

"Damn, you threw a beer can at your husband? Did you put him in the hospital?" Bryan couldn't stop chuckling as he looked at the embarrassed smile on Denise's face.

"No, because I hit him with an empty beer can. I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. I thought I was flirting with him." Denise put her hand up to her mouth while releasing a guilty snicker. "It pissed me off because my team was losing. I saw this guy standing with a group of his friends a few feet away from me, celebrating and wearing the opposing team's jersey. I remembered thinking, look at this asshole celebrating his team while my team is losing. I'm throwing this beer can at him." Denise reenacted how she hurled the can of beer at her husband, causing Bryan to put his hand over his mouth so he could stop himself from laughing.

"A man would get arrested if he threw a beer can at a woman. Women get away with stuff." Bryan shook his head while still chuckling and looking at Denise like she was a naughty child.

"Yeah, we get away with stuff." Denise agreed with Bryan while giggling. Denise was giggling, but on the inside, she imagined going back in time and being there at the football stadium where she first saw her husband. Sometimes Denise dreamed about seeing her husband again. "I'd give anything to go back in time, so I could throw that beer can again," Denise whispered to Bryan with a longing in her eyes.

Bryan looked down at the floor while stroking his beard. "I know how you feel. I'd give anything to go back so this cute Korean girl with a Tupac tattoo can hit me with her shopping cart." Bryan took a deep breath while resting his eyes back on Denise.

"I want to be with my husband again," Denise spoke through her sinking voice.

"I miss my wife and my son. My wife and my little boy think I'm dead. They don't know I'm alive," Bryan whispered to Denise while looking around the prison cell with tears swelling up his eyes. "The last time I saw my wife and my little boy was on June the twentieth of last year. I even remember the day; it was a Wednesday. My wife was a local sports reporter, so she was on her way to a news studio. My little boy had to go to daycare that morning. I was a paramedic, so my wife dropped me off at the hospital. I can remember kissing her and kissing my son goodbye before getting out of the car and watching her drive off. I waved at my little boy who was waving goodbye to me from the back seat, not knowing that I would never see his face again. That night, I left the hospital and told my wife over the phone not to worry about picking me up. I called for a Lyft driver, and as I'm waiting for my ride to come, some dude wearing a mask approaches me, pulls out a gun, and the last thing I remember seeing was a bright f*cking light." Bryan paused for a minute while putting his drooping eyes back on Denise.

"What happened?" Denise asked Bryan while gazing at him.

Bryan continued. "I woke up naked inside this sphere-shaped spacecraft that looked like it was about the size of my wife's SUV. I felt like Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator when he stood up completely naked. These steel cuffs were on my wrists and ankles. I didn't know where I was. The last thing I remember was seeing this bald-headed lady standing over me wearing a mask and a black dress. She looked like she was wearing a Darth Vader mask that covered the lower half of her face. She pointed a gun down at me and then I blacked out. That was the only time I saw Princess Death Row." Bryan had a slight smile on his face when he reflected on the day he saw his wife and son for the last time. The smile on the young man's face died when he thought about his abduction. Bryan's smile faded when he thought about the strange bald mysterious masked woman he saw standing over him pointing a gun down at his head. He remembered blacking out after Princess Death Row shot him in his neck with a tranquilizer dart, and how he woke up the next morning inside a high-tech jail cell.

"I can remember the exact time on the night I watched my husband die," Denise told Bryan with her eyes locked on him. "It was 7:45 pm and I can remember seeing the time on a soldier's wristwatch. He had on one of those holographic time display watches and I remember seeing the time projecting out of his watch because he had his hand over my mouth trying to stop me from screaming. I was sitting there with my body all chained up, and I was watching this creature kill the love of my life. It was standing on all eight of its legs and it grabbed my husband while he was trying to escape the cage." Denise stopped talking, and she tried to keep teardrops from stinging her eyes while telling Bryan what she saw. The young woman broke down while taking hold of Bryan, who was reaching out to hug her.

Bryan held Denise close to his chest. While holding Denise in a tight embrace, he thought about when he held and comforted his wife after she suffered a miscarriage during her first pregnancy. The young man would never forget how he came into the house one night to see his wife holding a gun to her head. Bryan remembered that his wife was drunk that night and that her miscarriage almost drove her to suicide. The young man tried to stay brave while attempting to stop his wife from shooting herself right in front of him.

Bryan remembered how he told his wife they would have a baby. He remembered telling his wife that he loved her and that everything would be okay. Bryan thought he was dead that night. He thought his wife's drunkenness would cause her to shoot him before killing herself. Bryan was thankful that God didn't let that happen.

He was thankful that he could take the gun out of his wife's hand and tell her she would have a baby despite her miscarriage. Bryan remembered how his wife apologized to him the next morning after he told her how she was about to shoot him and then shoot herself. He thought about how his wife cooked his favorite meal that day and bought him tickets to a basketball game to make up for what she did. Bryan didn't want his wife feeling guilty about what happened. He understood that it upset her about losing her baby. He understood how she felt and he didn't think she needed to apologize for anything. Even in the midst of their problems, Bryan remembered how God blessed him and his wife with a baby boy. Eric was a miracle baby for Bryan and Amy, and Bryan thought about how God brought him and his wife out of a painful situation. He felt hopeful while thinking if God can bring him and his wife out of a miscarriage, then he can bring him and Denise out of being killed by a Boneseeker Man.

"I don't want to die, and I don't want my baby to die," Denise whispered out while looking over at her daughter. She used Bryan's shoulder to wipe a few tears off her face. Denise lifted her eyes up at Bryan while keeping her arms around his waist.

"We're not going to die here," Bryan told Denise with a confident tone in his deep voice. "I believe in God and he won't let Princess Death Row kill us." Bryan paused for a minute while smiling down at Denise and seeing that his positive talking was bringing a glimmer of hope into her eyes. "I want to tell you something. My wife had a miscarriage, and she got drunk one night and tried to kill herself right in front of me. She thought she would never have a baby. God proved her wrong. I told her that God was blessing us with a child and that's what he did. He gave me and my wife this beautiful baby boy. God still blessed us with a baby even though my wife had a miscarriage. Now I know that if he can do that, then he can rescue us from dying on this ship. I believe he can. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. That's what my mom used to tell me when I was little." Bryan ended his positive speaking with a slight chuckle. The young man felt hopeful after telling Denise that everything would be okay. Bryan could see the hope in Denise's eyes.

At first, everything seemed fine. The hopeful feeling only lasted for a second when Bryan and Denise heard an unusual sound. It was a low-pitched squawking and the squawking did not sound human to Bryan and Denise. The squawking echoed up from beneath the prison floor, and the squawking was causing the floor beneath Bryan and Denise's feet to tremble.

Soon, human screams followed behind the squawking. The screams became so loud that they woke up Denise's daughter. The two-year-old-baby cried from the sound of the tormenting screams waking her up and agitating her little ears. Denise ran over to her child to comfort her. The young woman picked her daughter up and nestled her in her arms while looking over at Bryan with a fearful haze in her eyes. Both Denise and Bryan knew the screams were coming from the ship's lower level.

Bryan tried to keep believing God would save him and Denise. He wanted to believe he would see his wife and son again. The young man wanted to hold his son in his arms and he wanted to kiss his wife's lips again. Bryan tried to block out the screams echoing up from the bottom of the ship. He walked over to Denise and her daughter. While bending down and wrapping his arms around Denise and her daughter, Bryan kept thinking about his wife and his son. He kept hoping that he would one day see the faces of his little boy and wife again, and not the face of a Boneseeker Man.