Before telling the following story, I will tell you a little about what it is about:

      “There are different versions, but all of them have a common denominator: a young woman dressed in a white dress. Legend has it that, a father of a family, came home from work on the Costas del Garraf road. It was a rainy night, the cold fogged the windshield and exhaustion pushed his eyelids down. As he drove down the road, the drops hit the windows of his car more violently, which lost its stability on the winding path of the asphalt.

      The man sharpened his senses and slowed down. At that same moment, the headlights of the vehicle illuminated the figure of a girl who, drenched by the rain, waited motionless for a driver to take pity on her and take her to her destination. Without a moment's hesitation, he stopped short and invited her upstairs. She accepted immediately, and as she sat in the passenger seat; the driver noticed her attire. She was wearing a white cotton dress that was wrinkled and smeared with mud. From his matted hair, it seemed that he had been waiting a long time.


  She resumed the trip, and they began a relaxed conversation in which the girl avoided several times the story of how she had come to that place. Until the right moment came. In a cold, cutting voice, she asked him to slow down until the vehicle almost came to a stop. "It is a very sharp curve," she warned him. The man followed her advice, and when he saw how dangerous it could have been, he thanked her.

  She, with a cutting and cold voice, snapped at him: “Don't thank me, it's my mission. I killed myself on that curve more than 25 years ago. It was a night like this. " A chill ran down the man's spine and prickled his skin. When he looked back at the passenger, the young woman was gone. The seat, however, was still wet."


 Arianna Androv was one of the most respected reporters of her time, because she always covered the best stories and was ahead of others and that is why, so the boss always took her into account and whenever he could, he raised her salary.


  One of the stories that she had covered was about a person who had entered hell and managed to get out of it.

  Everyone was happy with Adrianna's triumphs, who did everything they could to keep her like this, because by continuing in this way, the company's prestige also grew, and everyone who worked in the company also had a certain recognition.


   At the same time, there were resentful people, who found all the recognition she received from her bosses unfair, and she did not care.

   Days later, a rumor had spread that people who pass by the mountain road saw the ghost of a woman who, always asks for a ride, in the middle of the street and the people who did not give her a ride, suffered terrible car accidents.


  All the people were scared to go through there, due to the ghost, but they had to do it, because it was the path they had to take to get to their destination on time.


  The people who had to go through that place did so with great fear and asking all the saints to protect them; so that, the ghost did not appear to them.

  Adrianna thought they were exaggerating and none of that was true.


  On the other hand, she thought that people had made up that story, just to get attention and that, under no circumstances, could it be true.


  As is customary, the boss asked them to investigate this story, to see if it was true or not and if it is true, take photos of the ghost or film it as soon as they see it.


  Throughout the month, all the reporters, they went every day to that road, to see if they found the ghost and nothing that they found.


  Maybe the ghost did not want to be recorded and used as something paranormal, Adrianna Androv thought.


  But the reporters kept going down that road, because they were not going to give up and the times they went, they were the times they lost hope, because they could not find the ghost.


  One night, Adrianna Androv, was running late for her grandparents' golden wedding; so, she had no choice but to take that road, because it was a fast track and there were no traffic lights.


  Everything was going perfectly on the road, it was not raining, nor was the road slippery and the story of the ghost had been completely forgotten.

  Like an excellent car racer, that Adrianna was, she decided to go full speed, but before long, she had to brake, because many trucks were passing.


  In one of those turns that the road has, Adrianna sees a young woman in white who was hitchhiking.


   Adrianna, being a good Samaritan that she is, stopped the car and told the young woman to get in the car and she did.


   Everything was normal, talking about different things and how quickly time passes.


   When Adrianna was about to arrive, she decided to accelerate, but the young woman told her the following: "Don't go so fast, because twenty-five years ago, I died right here, in this place," said the young woman, pointing to the place where she died.


   As if she had had a deja vu, Adrianna remembered the news about the ghost; so, she turned her head to see if she was the ghost, but she just disappeared.


   Adrianna continued her way to her grandparents' house and told everyone what had happened to her.


  Nobody could believe that story, because they thought that Adrianna had dreamed or imagined it because of the stress.


   Since Adrianna did not want to start a family fight, she decided to change the subject.


  They all talked animatedly about different things, completely forgetting what Adrianna had said.


  The next day at work, Adrianna tells everyone about the ghost, that she had seen it, but was unable to film it.


 They were all upset, because that was the only thing they needed to continue to stand out from the rest of the companies.


  Nobody really knows why, but there was a film, from Adrianna's cell phone; in which, the ghost was seen and that the ghost was talking to Adrianna.


 They decided to do a story and with that, the company continued to stand out from the rest.