Of all the evil experiences that my family and I had to face against the Devil, Satan and his demons, I think this is the most terrifying, with the most tension and is at the same time, a race against death and despair. This story belongs to my best friend, Lucy Adams and how her bad decisions led her to be where she is right now; dead.

Lucy Adams was the type of woman who, always spoke of the word of God and the works that our Father, God or Jehovah, had done. On the one hand, Lucy was the type of woman who put into practice the word of God or Jehovah, our Father and what Jesus, her only son, had done.

I remember that Lucy, went every day to the Church to listen to the Holy Word of our Father and helped the priest, in everything he needed. Anyway, Lucy was the ideal model of human being and we should all follow her example, to be of this world, a better place. Everything was perfect for Lucy; until, she meets Lionel Davis and her life completely changed.