Chapter 8

Aria p.o.v

"Why don't we focus on something else"? Leo asked.

"Like how about who shay likes"? He smirked.

"Dude come on" shay groans.

"Shay doesn't like anyone"

I told him.

"Yes I do" he step in.

What?? Tell me who it is!"I ask shocked.

"I'm not telling you" he said.

" I think I know who you like" leo said look at shay smirking.

"I thought we were all friends here" I said looking down.

"I bet she going to put on the "fake"water works" shay say laughing

He knows me so well.

While we were laughing shay phone"ping"

"What is it, shay?" I asked when saw his reaction.

"My dad just tested me demanding to know where I am I can't tell him.I'm at a party he'll kill me when I got home I'm gonna be in so much trouble" he explained.

"Unless......what if you tell him you re at my house tonight? Then he won't suspect a thing"I suggested.

"You mean.....I could stay with you tonight" he asked.

"Of course, shay always, even though we haven't done it in a while"

"You'd seriously be saving me aria" he asked look excited.

" hey, you saved me earlier with jake I owe you one" I reminded him about earlier when jake try to kiss me forcefully.

"He smile "so you'll let me stay night I'll get the car" he said

Leo head back to the party while shay gets the car..................

Once we reach in front of our house" am going to tell explain to my dad that I was with you tonight so if I'm not at my window in two minutes, you can start worrying" he said

" I smile at his lame joke" you'll be fine"

Suddenly he pulled me into a hug I sighed him his arms I always feels safe and warm.

"Hey, um aria" he whisper look in my eyes.

Then shay was suddenly pulling my face towards his. My heart stared beating faster.

What was he doing? This wasn't like us. Is he about to.......

"SHAY GET INSIDE THE HOUSE NOW" shay dad yelled startling us..

Shay look at me apologetic before he ran in side.

I stood frozen.

What was that?! WE ALMOST KISSED!

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