A bird sings the self-same song, With never a fault in its flow. That we listened to hear those long. Long years …. THE JOURNRY OF SAMKELISIWE NZAMA.
“Friends, I have lost the way
The way lead on
Is there another way?
The is one
I must retrace the track
It is lost and gone
Back, must I travel back!
None goes there, none.
Then I will make here my place,
[the road runs on],
Stand still and set my face
[the road leaps on]
Stay here, for ever stay.
None stays here none.
I cannot find the way
The way leads on.
Oh, place I have passed!
And that will come at last?
The road leads on “-EDWIN MUIR
And you, my journey, there on the sad height curse, bless. I weep fierce tears while I pray. Do not go gentle into the goodnight. I need you to rage, rage, rage, rage against the dying light of my destination.