A week passed and Lanre and Rosa were getting more intimate. He was sure now that he loves Rosa alot and the latter loves him too. But she's still feeling uncomfortable with the fact that he hadn't said a word of their feelings for each other to Theresa Mo. And Rosa was becoming guilty to call or go and see Theresa. What if she hurts her over Lanre will she be able to ever forgive her? Lanre then Promised her he would have a word with Theresa Mo that weekend and inform her about their new found love. As promised, Theresa Mo took her kids round the city. She took them to important places and it was a nice time sight seeing. The boys were so happy that they giggled and played and ate snacks. They were on their way to the amusement park when Lanre called Theresa. He said he would like to see her and Theresa Mo said it was fine that he called. He should meet her at the city's amusement park. When Theresa Mo arrived there, the boys were happy. A Lot of things to make kids jump and play around. A Lot of things to amuse them. Theresa Mo got a table and sat in a strategic place where she could see her boys playing around. She was smiling and seeing her sons go around. The boys bumped into an older man who's in Company of his wife. When they saw the boys, the couple exchanged glances. These boys are twins but they should have been triplets if the other person didn't come to the World years before them. Cheng Li and his wife Carol Li. They called the joys and Carol couldn't help but touch them. The boys are the spitting image of her son Junxie Li. They could pass for his Son without inquiring for DNA. She glanced at her husband and the old man kept his eyes glued on the boys. "Who are your parents?" Cheng Li asked. These boys are too much like children from the Li's family. " Our mummy is over there" Lee Mo answered, pointing to a certain direction and was going to run away when Cheng Li asked about their father. "We don't have a daddy"and then slipped off the old man's hands and started running after his brother. The two couples stared at each other and were quiet for a long time. "Had Junxie and Julia been involved with women and didn't know they have children?" Carol Li asked. The old man looked at Theresa Mo again and secretly took her photographs. But Theresa Mo just bent her head and operated on her phone when Cheng Li took her pictures. Her face could not be seen. But he called his bodyguards and asked them to find out who that woman is and who is the father of her boys. Then Lanre arrived. He gave Theresa Mo a featherlight kiss on her chin before taking a seat opposit her and asked after the boys. She pointed at them and Lanre saw them playing hide and seek with each other. "Your boys are cute and outstandingly handsome. What would have happened if you had aborted that pregnancy back then Theresa?"Lanre asked, admiring the boys. He hoped someday he would have boys so cute like Tim and Lee Mo. He wished the man who is their father will appear one day and apologised to her. "I really don't know Lanre if I would ever be able to be happy again in life. My happiness today is tied to them and my life would have gone a downward spiral if I took that decision"Theresa Mo answered and looked at the happily playing kids. "I'm glad you decided to have them. One day I look forward to having such kids with my woman"Lanre said and turned to look at Theresa Mo. "Sure. Kind people will always have good things come to them. And today, I thank you for giving me a hand and encouraging me to have the kids and live happily. You are their godfather and that favor, I will never be able to repay you enough for all you have sacrificed for us"Theresa Mo appreciated. Lanre laughed and said angels appear in different forms. Perhaps he was just an angel to her that night. They both laughed and ordered for drinks. The boys saw uncle Lanre and came hugging him. Lanre held them and asked how they were doing, their first week in school and the new community they now found themselves. The boys answered and said they are fine and with their mummy around, they are satisfied and pleased with their country home. They soon left Lanre and returned to their play. He smiled and watched them go away. Theresa Mo saw him and knew he longed for kids of his own. He wished him to have them as soon as possible. When he finally turned his attention to Theresa Mo, their eyes locked and the latter smiled and told him he would have his own kids as adorable as Tim and Lee Mo. Lanre smiled and said he is on the path to achieving that dream and that's the more reason he came to see her. Theresa Mo's eyes were brightened. But she didn't know Lanre was already recording their conversation from the moment he turned to face her.