It's Scary

The boys stared at the woman that came in. She looked nice and smiled sweetly at them but they do not want another woman, they want their mummy to read them the bedtime story.

"Guess what kids, I brought you a good friend, Ms Diddy.

She knows a lot of bedtime stories and she's going to make you love her story very much" Junxiie Li declared.

Ms Diddy also smiled at the boy. She is just meeting them but already likes them.

She hoped that they will grow to like her as much as their dad does.

Junxie likes her most among his entire employees. And she had never failed him as well.

"I want mummy" Lee declared, folding his little arms across his chest.

He frowned. They have never spent a night away from their mother. Now they misses her stories.

Junxie Li sighed audibly and said their mummy is somewhere far away from them.

But he promised to bring their mummy home with them the next day.