Chapter 16


Should I tell the truth that my boss son took me out and I am the Cinderella or I just should forget about the whole thing?.

Well no need to even tell her, if my parents failed to recognize it was me, how can someone like Brenda recognize or even believe me when I tell her.

"So what about the make-up, when do you want me to do it for you hum?", I changed the topic for her to end my boss son's topic.

" Smart girl, trying to divert the discussion but no problem, all I know is that you two are a perfect match. As for the makeup, I want it done this Saturday but how can that even be possible when the boss already said I should release you off duty on Saturday" she said with a frown.

Oh, I remembered him telling me about releasing me from work on weekends so he can take me outing but that's no more happening.

"Don't worry, I will be around on Saturday because of you, I don't even have much doing that very day".