Chapter 28


"Good night" I ran from the place I stood with Bella inside the house.

"Can't believe she is monitoring me, hum" Unknown to me the call was still reading.

"Why was my heart beating so fast anyway when his call came in," I said sitting on the floor.

"Why was your heart beating or did you do something wrong hum?" I heard his voice from my phone, I screamed out in shock, hoping he didn't hear everything in details.

Grandma yelled saying am disturbing her peaceful sleep.

"I thought you ended the call?"

"Not at all, I had to wait moreover am the one calling, you even wasted a lot of my airtime hum."

"Airtime, fine I will pay for it" I boasted.

"Wow, she is going to pay, I like getting close to a thousand US dollar airtime, I don't like going low on-call card "

I almost passed out hearing the amount, have never seen or used such money and here is someone using it for call credits, I made a fool of myself by boasting, I can't pay, oh what will I do?