Chapter 42


I knew it will be the girl I don't wish to see now, 'Clara', she is leaving my office right now, what nonsense.

I entered my office angrily and saw Clara acting so comfortable like the office belongs to her.

"What's the meaning of this?" I yelled.

"Good morning, my love; you look so handsome this morning; I guess I am lucky."

"Hey, that's not what I asked of you; I said what the meaning of this? Why are you here in my office without my permission?"

"Oh Kyle, is that why you are angry at me, your mom told me as your future wife, it's good I get familiar with your company, your friends and everything, I should have informed you, I am so sorry."

"What the hell? I can't believe mother right now. Can you kindly leave my office and stop thinking you will be my future wife please, it will never happen in this life or next to come."

"Oh, Kyle, why are you so mean to me? I better just assumed you woke up on the wrong side of the bed."