Chapter 44

Writers Pov

Bella left home, and Lisa; both BS paid for them to spend a night at the hotel before leaving for Spain the next day.

The girls got informed that someone will take them to a beautiful home where they will be having a massage, body wash and treatment, a little magic to their hair and lots more to get them prepared for the trip.

"Hey, be careful with my nails; my lover won't want me to get hurt, okay?" Bella said, giving Lisa a smirk.

Lisa, on the other hand, acting like a billionaire carrying herself in a high manner, anyone seeing them will think they are damn rich and highly connected.

"Let's get a new move; what do you think?" Lisa suggested.

"That has been on my mind too girlfriend; what if we walk like this, step by step

" Bella demonstrated as Lisa walked behind her to get her steps.

"Wow, this is amazing; I can't believe we low life will get to sleep on a comfortable bed like this," Bella added, jumping on the bed.