Chapter 46


I agreed to watch the movie with him; yes his so sweet to keep his promise, but why did he stop like that, is something wrong with him, or did I do something terrible?

"It's interesting, right?" He asked, and I faked a smile saying, "Yes, I love the movie; each character played the role very adequately."

"Yeah, come here, let me hold you." He says, I smiled, but I kept thinking if his mad at me.

I got so dizzy, not knowing when I slept off.



"Bella, how dare you to flirt with your boss son, don't you know his engagement to Clara? No matter what you do, he can never marry you; his family will never accept you, Bella."

"Mom, please!"

"I am going to beat you and send you out the street; next time, if I send you to work, you work."

"No, please," I begged, still crying; I kept on that way till I felt a hand around me, opening my eyes, it was Kyle.

"Guess you have a bad dream, don't worry, I am here; it's just a dream." He said, rubbing my back.