Chapter 48

(Back Home From The Trip.)


I woke up so early to have my bath, wearing my skirt and sleeve; I got stuck admiring myself in the mirror when my phone rang, Bella, calling.

"Hi girlfriend, you up already?"

"Yes, I just finished with work at home; I need to get to the Wilson home very early today; he wants me to prepare the breakfast he will be taking this morning before he leaves for work."

"Wow, that's sweet; Theo will be here soon; I need to get set; I will be officially announced today as his PA."

"I am happy for you; Brenda worked things out for me, so I will leave very early just to attend my training at the Walcott beauty home; see you later, girlfriend, and I love you."

"I love you too gf." I ended the call.

Everything happening is just like a dream; it's taking place fast.

Bella had to lie using Brenda that each maid was giving a phone just because of an emergency at work, they should be able to contact them, and they bought it.