Chapter 59


"Kyle, I never raised you this way; your father and I trained you to be hardworking mostly when it comes to your job; how can you leave an important meeting that could have to fetch you billions in days to meet up with a bitch? you will never marry." Mom said, unknown to her; she just crossed the line.

"Enough, mother," I shouted at her.

"The bitch you are referring to has a name, her name is Bella, and I will no longer tolerate such from you mother; what is your problem, mom? Tell me, and I will fix it." I growled.

"Kyle, how dare you to raise your voice at your mother, I carried you in my womb for nine months, and you stand up for a stranger than your family?" I saw tears gathered in her eyes, but the truth is told; I don't care; she might be faking it as usual to get me, but trust me, I am done; I am no longer falling for her trap and be her errand puppy that listens to anything she wants to be happy.