Chapter 62

Writer Pov

"Can someone please explain what's going on here? How come you know Mrs Walcott as Mrs Beatrice?" Kyle asked.

"You still don't remember me." Bella mom said.

Mrs Walcott tried picturing her face as if she has seen her before. That was when her husband, Mr Walcott, killed the suspense.

"I remember you, Susan, my wife may not, but I know all my workers." Bella got shocked seeing Mr Walcott calling her real mom the name Susan.

"Oscar, look, someone has a good memory of us at last." Susan gave a faked laugh.

"Can you go straight to the reason you want us here? I can't be listening to introducing for more than ten minutes, please," Theo said out loud; Lisa held his hands, trying to calm him down.

"Theo, do you have any clue?" His mom asked.

"Mother, let's hear from the horse's mouth, and don't be in a rush."

"It all begins the day my husband and brother got a job at your husband lab when he was working on a particular project."
