
Hannah's POV

"Tell me the truth, Hannah. Do you have feelings for me?" Ryan asked.

My eyes widened and my brain denied processing anything.

I didn't reply.

"Tell me," he said again.

Think of something, Hannah.


"I plead the fifth," I said.

"Huh?" he said and I got out from his captive by coming out from under his hand.

"Yes," I said.

"This is not a court," he said.

"Then why are you asking me questions?" I acted cool.

"I..." he trailed off and I sighed, even though I was feeling a storm raging inside me.

"Let's get back to class," I said, and nodding, he followed me to the class and we went through the classes.

Ryan's POV

I was stupid to ask such a question. It's dispersal, and she hasn't spoken a word to me. She is definitely angry and... Now it's all weird and awkward.

I can't approach her, and she will not approach me either. I don't know what to do. Why did I even ask that question?

What was I thinking?