Cold Turkey

Hannah’s POV

“He… we broke up” I heard Sam on the call.

Broke up?

How the hell--


“Y-Yes” I could clearly hear her crying so this was not a prank.

“Can I come over?” she asked.

“Yes, Sam. I am waiting”

She hung up. I can’t believe they broke up? Why? Just when our lives seemed to be perfect… everything was ruined.

I waited for her. After like ten minutes, I could hear the car brakes and I went down to open the door before she could ring the doorbell.

She hugged me, crying.

“I can’t believe this, Hannah…” she cried.

“Let’s talk about this in my room” I whispered and we went to our room.

She sat across the bed. “Tell me what happened?” I finally questioned.

She took a deep breath. “I went to his apartment. Everything would have been fine, but you know what? He asked me to leave. Again. Still, I told him that it is now or never. He… He still asked me to leave. He chose his secret over me! Over us!”