“Lower the blinds of the window, Ash” he ordered me.
“Okay,” I agreed and lowered them.
He called me towards him.
“Here. See this. This is the most confidential document of this company, I am showing you this so,” I looked at him. “I trust you” I looked at the laptop screen.
I nodded.
“I am only showing you cause I need you to study this and know about our strengths and weaknesses. I want you to be aware of our capabilities. Only you are allowed to read and see this. No one, and I mean not another soul should know this”
I nodded. “Okay, sir”
“And Ash” I again looked at him. “Don’t lower the blinds just because someone told you to. You can’t possibly trust anyone, including me in such a small span of time”
I nodded embarrassed. “And if you need to study these documents, only do them here in my cabin”
“Okay sir”
I smiled and he closed his laptop, and I opened the window blinds.
“By the way,” he sat down on his seat. “The work is done. Have a rest now. You need to come tomorrow morning at 8 here, and we have some work tomorrow”
“Okay sir,” I said and left the room.
He is very different from what I have heard till now.
He is understanding and genuinely good.
I went to the reception.
“Bye Kate” I wished her as she smiled.
“Wait. How did everything go?”
“I impressed him!” I exclaimed and she looked visibly shocked.
“Woah, you rock girl!”
“Thank you!”
“No, it is a really big achievement!”
“But…” I said. “He looked easy to impress”
“No, trust me, he isn’t!”
“Okay… I’ll take the praise!” I smiled at her.
She smiled. “Bye Ashley!”
I left the building. I glanced back at it as I left. It is such a beautiful building and I am almost selected, aren’t I? I get to work here!
I took a cab and as I reached home, I called Lara and told her about everything.
“That is really good, Ashley. You’ll really gonna have a good time there” she spoke.
“I hope at least” I put my resume down. “I just want this job to stick”
“By the way…” I understood she was gonna do some ‘juicy talk’. “Is he hot?”
“Gosh, don’t ask”
“Nope, sis. He is The Christopher Brown. Tell me!”
“He is smoking hot, sis!” I exclaimed. “I can’t explain, but he is really good too”
“You are lucky,” she whispered.
“Oh, is your boyfriend there? Because he might be freaking out at your talks”
“Yes, he just came. Now, bye or you’ll make me single while you are gonna get someone--”
“What? Not at all!” I yelled embarrassed.
“The anger says it all, dumbo. Bye!” she cut the call while I can’t even scream at her.
It is true, Mr. Brown, I have a crush on you.
On the very first day.
I went to do some cooking to take my mind off all the things as they came back to me because of my surroundings. I have to focus on the future, and not on the past.
I ate whatever I made and then went to bed. I did a lot of research on Mr. Brown. He is a really big businessman. He owns many places, and I really can’t believe that his net worth is now $654 billion.
I mean, crazy, right?
He is so down to Earth. He is really a great man as I have noticed.
I have to make it on time tomorrow, so I slept.
I woke up and saw the time. It showed 7:06. I should wake up; I really know that I can’t wake up after five minutes or something.
I got ready. I don’t know what I have to do today. Mr. Brown… or I should say, Christopher? At least I can call him by his name in my thoughts. So, he told me that today I have some work.
Checking the time, I made my way downstairs. I need to really get a vehicle. It is costing too much for a taxi every day. But I can’t just buy some vehicle, I am not a ‘billionaire’.
But anyway, I think I’d do that with my first salary.
Which means… the entire month.
I sighed and sat inside a cab and went to the headquarters.
I went inside and Kate smiled looking at me.
“Woah I was really missing you!” she smiled.
“Oh yeah? Great. I have such a good friend on my second day itself!”
“Hmm yeah,” she looked at her documents. “Actually…”
“What happened?”
“I am leaving this job tomorrow… okay not leaving, I am fired”
“What?” I was shocked.
“I made a mistake, Ashley. I missed an appointment entry and being as the unluckiest person, sir asked me about that only”
“Sir? Mr. Brown?”
“Yes. But it is okay, it was my mistake” she smiled sadly.
“Oh no,” I became sad. What can I do for her? She is my friend now.
“Anyway, go to your boss’ cabin. It is already 8, he is expecting you”
“Oh yeah. Gotta go, bye”
“Bye,” she smiled.
She is still smiling. Damn, that hurts.
I went to the first room on the second floor. I knocked and entered.
“Oh, hey Ash,” he said. “Sit down”
I sat down across him.
“What’s wrong?” he questioned looking at me.
Am I looking tense?
Maybe I really can’t lie.
“N-Nothing,” I said as I remembered that I may be his PA, but I don’t think I have the right to ask him to not fire someone.
“You know you are a terrible liar. Tell me” he closed his file, his full attention on me.
“S-Sir…” I took a deep breath. I don’t want to be fired too. “Please don’t fire Kate”
He looked shocked and sighed as he sat back. “Why?”
“Because she is a human and she also can make mistakes, sir!”
He stood up. “If you’ll work overtime today then I will give her another chance”
“Yes sir!” I smiled. He looked amused. “Great. Tell her then”
I don’t like people who make mistakes at all. But this Ashley is different.
She made me forgive Kate even when I fired her in complete anger. Something about this girl is different. She always speaks her mind, which is really intriguing and interesting. She is a terrible liar, and that too adds to her positive points. I hate only one kind of person. I hate liars. I hate them the most.
Even enemies are better than liars.
She has this selfless personality that she agreed to work overtime for someone she only met a day ago. She is different, and I like different people.
“Follow me,” I told her as she followed me to my car.
I followed him as he led us to his car. I didn’t know exactly where we were going, so I questioned.
“Where are we going, sir?” I asked as I sat down on the passenger’s seat.
“You’ll know” the car accelerated and he started driving really well.
He was so smooth and his speed was quite fast, but I liked it. We soon reached some buildings. I was fascinated… and astonished. I mean, they were so beautiful and so good. We went between two of them. There was a road between them.
As we entered behind the buildings, I was taken aback by the beauty. There were endless buildings covered with the almost same expensive marble.
“Um… this is?” I asked as my eyes were shining as I looked at them.
“The Brown Luxuries”