Beautiful Moments


“Great work, Jason” I appreciated him.

“Thanks, mam” he went out of the cabin.

It has been a long time, Chris. Finally, we are meeting.

The phone rang and I picked it up. “Yes, I know that”

“But mam, how are we gonna do this, now?”

“You need to think about it, not me” I cut the call.

I don’t like it when people don’t do their jobs. I am not gonna do theirs.

You are lucky Chris, Jason likes Ashley. Finally, you’ll be mine after I destroy you and her. Public affection, huh? Enough of your celebrations. This is the end of your new born love, Chris. I am gonna end this and very soon.



I woke up the next day. The last day has been such a hectic one. Every day the same thing. Go, do work, and come home. Although being his girlfriend might have made things interesting, it is still boring.

I got up and went in to shower. I remember that I have to have a coffee with ‘Jason’ three days later. He is a total flirt, right?