New Life


I stepped back as I saw him.

Vincent Smith.

“Y-you?” I said as I moved further back, to the point where I fell on the bed. Everyone knew Vincent. He was as popular as The Sun.

“Yes love,” he said as he came towards me. “It’s me”

“What... What do you want?”


I started breathing heavily listening to him. No... He is a mafia boss. How can he want me? I... No, this is a dream. A nightmare.

I stood up as I felt that the bed wasn’t safe and went a little right and more back.

“Stop where you are, love” I stopped at his words. “I don’t repeat my words”

I nodded my head slowly as I heard him close the door. My heartbeat raced as I heard him stepping closer. I remembered his words... Chris’.

“Please... please don’t...” I begged as he neared me and sighed.

“Don’t what, love?”

Love, love, love. I hate it.

“Don’t call me that...”

He smirked. He looked like a greek god but I feared him a lot.

“I will call you that, love”