In a bar that looks exactly like the previously wrecked one only not destroyed and sitting strangely on top of an apartment (a location previously agreed upon).
Our four friends sit around a table drinking the last of their booze after Darick, Gara and Tral finished a vigorous drinking competition which Gara was smart enough to back out early as Darick always wins while Tral stupidly tried to keep up only to end up getting in a little fight with Darick which resulted in many previously set tower of bottles to crash as Tral can no longer handle his drinks.
"I ca-n't b-belieeeeve you guyz broke all our drinths" a liquored Gara moans as her blob like arm shatters a near by table as her face mildly droops as if it would fall off her head at any moment.
"You two did da breakin so0Oo wad yooou gunna do bout it" she points sluggishly at her brother and Darick with tendrils that are coming out of her body before they collapse back into her body.
"Geeze Gara are you sure you need more, y-you *hic* know what happens when you g-g-go all out drinkn" Arc says trying to calm her down.
"Hey Arc you're missing the point entirely" mumbles Tral as he barely raises his head from the table "Maybe if she gets drunk enough you'll have a chance phphphphhhehe" he snickers before Gara smacks him up side the head which only makes him laugh harder.
"This is serious guys! You all may be happily drunk but even after finishing the last keg, I only have a slight buz" Darick proclaimed annoyed by lack of sensible friends as he searched through empty containers looking for something to drink.
"It's.. it.. it-is Not OUR fault yyou can't get wasted like us mortals, anyway we have the liquor hero amongst us!" Arc rambles gesturing at the nearly unconscious Tral who's head keeps drifting toward the table only to jerk back up at the last second.
"I'mm NoT you's alls personal liquor depot mk, I'm a person with thoughts and feelingz and…" mumbled Tral before being cut off by all three of his friends at once "and BOOZE!"
"AWaa FINE! If I make kegz for days than can I go back to sleep" grumbles Tral full of sleepy intent as his head nods towards the table.
"KEGS FOR DAYS! KEGS FOR DAYS!" chants the other three until Tral covers his ears yelling obscenities while making kegs appear stacking up from floor to ceiling and wall to wall along the near by wall.
"Hell yhea!" yelled Darick before ripping the top off the closest keg and downing the contents only to immediately start throwing it back up with a look up utter disgust on his face.
"haha should have tried it first before going all in" chided Arc before he swigs from a thermos full of his own brewed espresso "After he got me last time, I'll only drink his stuff after extensive tests" he says as he pulls out a beaker as well as several other strange pieces of equipment he apparently carries around in his lab coat.
"let's see here 92% alcohol, 0.5% starch and 7.4% fecal matter leaving 0.1% unknown… hmm going to have to refine better equipment for future tests" mutters Arc
"ew super strong shit liquor! Get away from me shit drinker!" cries Gara as she literally slinks off to the other side of the room to have a smoke which she seems to have trouble lighting due to her melty hands.
"YOU JERK! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" YELLS Darick as he tries to stand only to go back down to puke up what's left of his stomach.
The perpetrator meanwhile is completely oblivious due to passing out immediately after making the wall of shit ale kegs.
"well he is useless right now, hey Darick drink this, it'll get that taste out of your mouth" says Arc passing a vial full of clear liquid to the visibly sick Darick, after downing it's contents Darick immediately springs straight up with steam pouring out of his mouth "Ahaaa wut yu dust guv me!" gurgles Darick running to wash his mouth out with soap which fulltof smoke with bubbles.
Arc takes a drink from his thermos and proceeds to open his note book to start hastily writing. "Now how does it make you feel? Do you think regular people could survive drinking this? Can you taste anything… is it lemony or more of a strawberry flavor?" Arc asks while madly scribbling notes carefully watching Daricks reactions.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT EXPERIMENTING ME!" ROARED Darick as he lunged at Arc shaking him back and forth.
"you're not drunk, hung over or tasting shit anymore though right?" asked a well shaken Arc which caused Darick to stand still long enough for Arc to weasel free from his grip and return to taking down notes.
"You guys suck! I'm going to find a new bar! With sexy girls and boxing and screw the bar I'm hitting the gym!" Rants Darick as he storms out.
"look what you guys did! Scaring away our bestie with your stupidity" Gara drunkenly states " can't you be a little nicer.. maybe you'd have more friends than a bunch of homeless, hopeless ruffians with no future but liquor and pour decisions."
"At least you're smart Arc, you could be somebody in this world if you didn't waste all your time with a couple deadbeats like me and my brother" Gara says full of sudden depression as she start to melt into her chair.
"Hey now you're way better than some deadbeat, you're the amazing shapeshifting phenomenon Gara! Everyone else is just lucky to be on the same planet as someone as awesome and gorgeous as you!" Arc says lovingly trying to reassure Gara.
Gara raises her head reforming into one of her usual appearances with a smile "You're right Arc I am awesome aren't I! Thanks buddy" she cheers as she lightly punches Arc in the arm making him stumble back.
"It's all this idiot's fault!" she points at her brother who is still out cold on the table.
"If it wasn't for him, I could be anyone, anywhere even a famous actress or the perfect spy buuut no0Oooo if I don't babysit my little brother, who knows who would just grab him up as a natural resource!" rants Gara as the apparently unconscious Tral interjected "we're the same age"
"seee he can't even sleep properly without causing trouble" huffs Gara "whatever will I do with this idiot"
"Don't worry I'll always be there for you Gara. Darick will be back after he blows off some steam and we will find a new place to call home where those money grubbers can't find us. Everything will work out just you see my calculations are rarely off you know." Boasts Arc as tries to look as manly as possible.
"hehe you're so funny Arc" Gara laughs as she rubs Arcs head. "I'm so glad we're friends, let's get this idiot up before the military swarms this place. Those pesky praying desk jockeys will find this place since the fool didn't even disguise the outside when he made it. We'll go steal a ride and head to the meet up to wait for Darick and this one to sober up" Gara ordered taking charge while pouring alcohol onto the ground that has been in her system to rapidly sober up.
She grabs here passed out twin to unceremoniously toss him over her shoulder before leading they way as Arc follows without looking up as he continues to take notes about a project he is working on which seems to involve Darick and various chemicals every once and a while subconsciously drinking from his thermos which reeks of caffeine.