Driving through the rough back roads in shiny new sports car just outside Function city in the heart of the forest nation of Relvance. Gara, Arc and Tral were bouncing around with little suspension separating them from the torn up uneven road.
Tral with half his body hanging outside the vehicle is currently up chucking the contents of his stomach all over the side of this very expensive car.
"can you just stop for a moment sis? Please this feels like hell took a dump in my skull" begged Tral who's attempts to sober up are meeting the harsh reality that is the great hangover.
"Hey no-one told you to create 100% alcohol in your stomach and we are already behind schedule with that whole incident with the T-rex in the parking lot wrecking all the cars we would have taken or that messed up event when you made all that fried chicken fall from the sky… also destroying vehicles because the chicken was THE SIZE OF CARS!" Berated Gara as she kept swerving the car unnecessarily laughing with a smoke dangling from her mouth. "Not to mention when the government put two and two together and sent the bloody Doom Guard down on us making us have to flee the FREAKING FIRE BALLS that asshole Major Tomson kept raining down on us while his cronies just fired harpoons at us! We had to go the long way in the opposite direction just to loose them and this is all because you can't handle you're powers when blackout drunk!"
"Ok I'm sorry! I don't even remember that stuff but please stop this driving before my innards are torn apart!" Tral implored who's face was dyed a sickly pale green colour.
The sports car screeched to a halt sending Tral flying into a tree. Luckly he made a giant beanbag appear just in time between him and the tree, saving him and his bones from an otherwise unpleasant experience.
"awe yhea that's so0Oo much better" exclaimed Tral as he relaxed in his new beanbag chair. "I'll just rest my eyes and when I get up we can go meet up with Darick at the abandoned mine just like we planned…"
"oh no you don't jerk face!" Gara fumed "This is all your fault so you are going to need to do some serious making up for this before I'm going to let you have even a wink of sleep" .. .. .. Tral starts snoring.
Gara in a fit of wild rage transforms into a massive bear with luscious fur and proceeds to slap the sleep right out of Tral's face.
"Aah ok, ok I'm making amends! Lay off me would ya?" cries Tral while he spawns a knarly monster truck with savage fire decals as well as a king sized pillow top bed in the back and mini-fridge full of premade sandwiches.
"hm and you think this will get you out of trouble.. you wish it was that easy to just use your power to buy your way into my good graces" Chided Gara as she looked down at her hungover brother.
"what if I got you a new diamond neckless covered with countless precious purple gems to accentuate your lovely hair and eyes?" asked Tral with a bit of a smirk working it's way onto his sickly face.
"Oh I knew you cared about your dear sister, I'm so lucky to have the best brother in the whooole world!" Gara praises reverting back to her normal human appearance acting completely different from a few seconds ago when she was about to bite his head off.
"Are you two done bickering so we can go now, I already packed our things into the new ride and ate a sandwich so if you two would just hop in the back, we can get out of this dump" Arc suggested as he looked around in a paranoid manner before taking a quick drink from his thermos. "You should probably have some coffee to sober up but make sure you take a lot of water with it or the dehydration will get worse".
"wait a second there speedy. I'm just going to leave some presents for when our eager beavers caught up and find this ride" Insisted Tral as an unusual amount of leaves started to fall onto metal objects that had suddenly appeared in the car seats.
Gara and Arc look at each other shaking their heads "you know some random stranger might find it first? Is it really necessary to fill such a nice car with bouncing betties? Asked Gara inquisitively.
Tral looked mildly bothered "you're probably right.. I'm not thinking clearly but what's done is done and I can't easily remove them soooo we should just leave" Tral says as he climes up onto the bed in the back of the truck where he immediately falls asleep.
Gara hops into to the passengers side and yells "onward mighty steed, to victory and getting right out of here"
The tricked out monster truck roars to life as Arc drives off into the sun set towards their rendezvous with their missing friend.