Heart institute

Far from those strange mountains, deep in the heart of the central military complex. An advanced facility gleams with that new authoritarian feel.

In the recently created heart institute, workers where busy preparing for the only experiments that mattered to them. Forever on high alert, they rush around the most sophisticated containment unit build from the work of the greatest artificers and Scientists the military has to employ.

Inside a haze of strange yet tantalizing fumes, powered man wearing nothing approaches a jar of gleaming liquid. After nervously injecting even more powerful drugs into the jar, it’s lid is unsealed.

From it the strange liquid moves out like a snake uncoiling to raise its shining head. This head turns into a beautiful lady that slowing as if entranced moves toward the naked man who wether due to the aphrodisiacs in the air or the raw splendor of the being before him can’t help but move forward.